(no subject)

May 19, 2007 20:34

It's been so long since my last decent entry, I've decided to just make use of the time I have right now, and just type a few lines here.

So, I've just received my "handshake" at work. Work culture's pretty interesting. Upon confirmation, we get the full benefits (such as alternate Sats off!), and of course, INCREASED PAY!! I don't know why, but that handshake brought to mind a conversation I had with Papa Pang. At our workplace, we get a handshake upon confirmation, and a hug when we leave..... I don't know why, but it's sort of hilarious when you think about it. Pang's been there for 8-9 years already, and he's got this Service award cert thing. I asked whther Boss gave him a hug when the cert was presented to him, and I received a really droll reply from him,"I don't give a fuck about the hug, I'd rather he increased my pay". HAHAHAA! How true.

Lots of things coming up at work now.
1.Part of the Indo marketing team, and somehow, I'm seeing it as a sort of pet project, even though its not really my show. But it's still pretty exciting nonetheless

2. Been selected for something which you'll be hearing more about if it really does come through. Something big and exciting, but am gonna keep mum just in case it doesn't come true. I'll be ultra embaressed otherwise.

3. Sports and Chinese every Wednesday. I do feel as though I'm back in School, where you had to have PE, and sit through Chinese. We read through a chinese passage and do some "conversational" chinese pratice crap thing after morning meetings. Then, at 4.45pm, we have to be in our sports attire, and we'll all go for a run, or do push ups, star jumps, followed by stairs climbing up to the 19th floor. bah

4. I've got a Norman Bates after me. Took an enquiry from his mom who seriously tried my patience. Came by a week later with her son in tow. Thought that her son was young 18-20 or so. Turned out that he's 35, and balding. Its just so odd that he's 35, and can't do anything on his own at all. Has lots of problems understanding what I'm trying to tell him, and can still argue with me and insist that he's right. For example, he's going to do a B. Hospitality Management. Some of the units like Acctounting 1, Marketing 1, and Management1 are taught by the Business Faculty. So you would probably be doing those same units if you were say doing a Business or Commerce degree. He however, thinks that he can finish his Hospitality degree, and then go and do a Business degree after that and get exemptions for the Business degree. Liek Duh!!!! Why would you wanna do that? Might as well go and do an MBA or something like thay right? Then he went on to say that he can also go and do another B. Business degree because he's got exemptions, and then go on and do B. Commerce cos hey, he's ALSO got the exemptions for that too! No point trying to explain things to him, cos he just gets agitated, raises his voice, and goes "I know I know! you don't have to tell me all this!" What a freak. Oh yeah, and he called his mom on the phone, and insisted that I talk to her too. Weird Ass! Thank Goodness he is not my student. Argh!

Oh yah, the Perth Trip was fantastic!

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