Iowa is far from the only state where even pregnant women who want their babies are being punished and controlled with laws that establish a separate personhood and rights for a fetus. Nebraska banned abortions after 20 weeks on the unscientific grounds that fetuses feel pain at that gestational age. Shortly thereafter, Danielle Deaver discovered at 22 weeks she had a pregnancy that could not result in a living baby. Banned from having an abortion, she was forced to give birth to a baby that lived for 15 terrible minutes before dying. The notion that either mother or child is well served by this law should be dashed, and the brutal sadism of such laws immediately apparent.
K.I.N.D., Kids In Need of Desks, a project to help kids in Malawi by Lawrence O'Donnel and The Last Word and UNICEF. More here.
I saw this live and it was the first time I'd ever been impressed by Alan Simpson: GOP Is Anti-Gay, Anti-Women For Moral Values While Diddling Their Secretary. He even says male legislators shouldn't vote on reproductive rights issues and that the anti-gay stuff is awful. Knock me over with a feather!