I had to walk in the parade yesterday for the county Democrats wearing a kind of unattractive Cathy Smith for Treasurer (though I did try to make it as attractive as I could). I swear, I sweat through my clothes three times over. The air was muggy and stagnant, so there was no way to really cool down. And the kids were so rude! I would give them candy and then they would be all, "I want that other kind," or they would try to grab a handful out of my bucket. One kid tried to run out in the street when I dropped something, so I tried to corral him the best that I could.
Later on Cam and I went to see The Amazing Spider-Man, and it was FANTASTIC. I would go see it again. Spoiler: Emma Stone is SO HOT as Gwen Stacy.
And then we did something we haven't done in FOREVER. We played video games for six or seven hours. I took a nap for about an hour and a half of it, but I got through Terra's story in BBS, and halfway through Radiant Garden in Ven's story (which is four and a half worlds). I really want to beat it before KH3D comes out but I also want to play Lollipop Chainsaw. Decisions, decisions. Hah! Side note: really getting confused with Ventus, because I keep accidentally calling him Roxas when I talk out loud about him.
A good friend of mine,
pinkplaidprose texted me last night these words: "Dante or Yoko Kurama?" And I about died trying to pick. I think we are going to do DMC cosplays, which would be amazing! As long as I don't have to cosplay Virgil, I'm good. I might pick a chick from one of the games, but I really want to do one of the guys. I'm not really chesty enough for the girl characters. But we haven't OFFICIALLY decided what to do yet as Youmacon is several months away. We should decide soon, though~