Apr 25, 2012 18:20
or Why I'm NOT Running the NYC Marathon
I know. It's a big one. Possibly on more bucket lists than even Boston. It seems like everyone wants to run it (at least judging by all the angst on FB and various running forums today as it's supposed to be announcement day for those who got in via the lottery - though apparently emails may not go out until tomorrow it's looking like now). And if you live in NYC and run but show no interest in it, you're sort of looked at as some kind of alien from another planet.
I know this because I'm not running it this year. Or probably ever.
I could have. I'm a NYRR member and last year I ran my 9 races and volunteered at one. Heck, I even ran at least one "extra" race because I got qualifying credit for one I wasn't able to run - due to the Christmas blizzard, they gave credit to anyone who'd registered for the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run...and I was stuck in Orlando, so there was no way. By virtue of those two facts (membership AND 9+1) I had a guaranteed entry for 2012.
But the bottom line is they flat-out out-priced me. You have to draw a line and stick to it. My line was $200. Had I registered, I would have shelled out $227.
Granted, $27 isn't a huge amount in the great scheme of things. But you have to draw the line somewhere, and for me $200 was it.
Would I have run NYC in 2012 if the cost had been under my bar? Yes. Part of me would have liked to have run it for a few reasons. First, I do think it would be a neat way to see the city. Second, the peer pressure in my running club is enormous, and you can sort of feel like an outsider if you're not running it or haven't run it. Third, I do love New York and living here. But as I said, I had my line, and I'm sticking to it.
Will I spend more going to Disney? Yes. Unless I somehow rack up enough airline miles to fly for free and stay with my sister or a friend, I will be spending more. BUT I get a vacation out of it. Ditto if I run San Francisco or Big Sur one of these years (I'll talk about those in other posts). Or any other race that will require travel. I'll be able to have a little vacation. (Chicago will be happening in 2013...and that'll be another one that will just be airfare and race registration as I've got enough friends there I can definitely crash somewhere.) There are other marathons I'm looking at (such as the Donna) that are cheaper and in the case of the Donna actually does good without having to pledge a certain amount to a charity. ALL the money collected for it goes to help fund breast cancer research!
New York is somewhere I can literally run almost the entire course. My running club does a "Blue Line Run" which covers the last 20 miles of the marathon. About the only section I couldn't do on my own is the bridge that opens the race. And while I'm sure it's amazing if you're on the top deck, with my lack of speed and my luck I'd be stuck on the lower level where...let's just say if urban legend holds true you WANT to be in the center (not good for a run/walker like myself) to avoid getting wet with stuff that's NOT water.
I am 100% content with my decision to not run it. I know there are people - many of whom applied through the lottery and didn't get in - who don't understand how someone could have guaranteed entry and not use it. But I have to be true to myself. And while I love the city, I just don't feel a burning need to pay over $200 just to run it. I'm not a freak or an alien...I just have different priorities than some people. I don't criticize them, and I'd hope that they wouldn't criticize me. (And believe me, I know there are a lot of people who don't get the draw of running Disney. That's ok. As an old professor of mine used to say, "That's why god made chocolate and vanilla!" Hee!)
It's all about choices and priorities. And ultimately, it's about running...and isn't that what binds us runners together? The love of running? Regardless of where we run. :)
To those who are running it, good luck! And hopefully I'll see you at Mile 24 (where my running club is in charge of the fluid station...and also has a cheer section)!
100 things,
choices and decisions,
races i don't want to run