12 of 12 v. 2.0 November Edition!

Nov 12, 2007 22:27

Yea. it's the 12th. Which means it's time for 12 of 12, the brainchild of Chad Darnell. Go to his blog to check out other 12 of 12ers from around the world! :)

I had the day off, which means no boring school pics. However I didn't venture into my usual theatre district because I was afraid of irate tourists who didn't get to see shows over the weekend (and stupid stagehands who somehow still think they can get their people on film and television productions...apparently they missed the WGA strike and its effects... May I just say I have more sympathy for the writers who should get paid for what they do than for the stagehands who oftentimes have more people standing around doing nothing at least during loads than I've EVER seen on road construction crews...and I thought they had a lot of people standing around doing nothing. There...that's out of my system. Not trying to start a fight, so no comments defending or whatever...you will be deleted.) Still...I hope you like it.

Even when I try to sleep in, I can't. I've never been able to. Anyway... This is Miach. He's my noveling totem for NaNo! (And he's also a central figure of a sort in the novel.) Isn't he cute??

Speaking of NaNo! Look at that word count!! Go me!! I put up an excerpt on my NaNo page if you'd like to get a little taste of my story. :)

Then it was over to check out my visitor map that's linked to my blogspot shadow blog (same as on LJ minus a few sensitive posts I reserve for a select group on LJ). I've had visitors from every continent except Antarctica ("Antarctica, oh please!"), which for some reason doesn't show on there. I guess in theory someone at the base down there COULD check it out...

The obligatory Benny tries to get my breakfast shot. He didn't succeed...it was a VERY sticky krispy treat! Oh yes, the reciept in the background under the computer? That' for my ticket for I'm Not There 4pm 11/21!!!!!! Cannot wait!!!

Since I had the day off, I went to St. Paul's Chapel (aka The Little Chapel That Stood) to try and do some writing on the novel. Since 9-11 figures pretty prominently in it, I figured I could wake Maddie up a lot more if I went down there. And it worked! (You'll see later!) But before I went outside, I walked around and about fell over when I saw this. It's a cross of nails given to St. Paul's Chapel by Covenrty Cathedral,which also figures prominently in the novel (it's long and complicated to explain...ask if you really want to know...). I'm sure somewhere in my head I knew that gift had happened...but it didn't really register until today.

I went out to the graveyard...

...to write some. I got about a page and a half done before I was too cold. I felt weird sitting IN the chapel writing, so I just walked around a little more and let Maddie really come to emotional life before i headed home to a relatively warmer apartment.

But before I left, I took a shot for the bonus pic ~ #13. Yes, this looks a lot like the shot I used for the "dreamscape" bonus pic, but it was warm and sunny then and a lot more leaves. LOL. Anyway, our bonus pic's theme was "grateful", and this sums up a lot of what I'm grateful for in so many ways. I'll leave it at that. Ask if you want details.

A stop by Burger King and ride home, and then it was lunch and rewatching The Amazing Race. I loved this pair so much ~ and not just for the obvious reasons. I was sad they got knocked out. :(

Yes, this is out of order time-wise, but not narrative wise. Give me a minute. :) The afternoon was me at the computer typing, and that's just mad boring, so I didn't take any pics. I went into Manhattan to my very first ACT UP! meeting. It was...small. I was a little sad there were so few people there. Maybe it was the holiday...but I know the guy who was talking with some college kids there for a class project said that it has dwindled a lot in terms of who comes to the meetings. Still, I feel good that I went.

Coming home on the subway. I took this because A) the exhibits at MOMA look to be really cool...I'll definitely have to go for one of their free Friday nights soon!! and B) while I normally despise all things Sci-Fi, I think I'll have to check out the new show because I usually love all things remotely Ozian.

I finally got a semi-decent nighttime shot of the Empire State Building as I see it walking from the subway! :)

And ending the day like I started it... Check out that word count now! :) Hooray!! And I've still got a ton to write. The best thing? I've been told that it's probably very publishable with a little tweaking to polish it up!!! And I'm not even done yet!!!!! *fingers crossed* I would LOVE to be published!!!!

12 of 12

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