AFSP Overnight 2008

Jun 07, 2008 08:19

Yes, I signed up for The Overnight again. Im excited! I figure with a year to work on training, it should be a lot easier this time. AND I got signed up as a student, so I only have to raise $700, which is a little better. :)

My Overnight Donation Page

Because some people haven't really understood what AFSP is and does, here's some basic information.

AFSP is the only national not-for-profit organization funding research and education programs needed to prevent suicide, and assisting family members after this tragedy. The foundation's activities include:

* Supporting research that is improving our understanding of suicide and its prevention. Since 2000, AFSP has invested 6.6 million dollars in new studies, including research into treatments for people who are depressed and suicidal.
* Providing education and information about depression and suicide to professionals, the media and the public through workshops, trainings, the AFSP website, videos, publications, brochures and public service announcements. AFSP's PSA. "Suicide Shouldn't be a Secret" has reached 88 million television viewers.
* Publicizing the magnitude of the problems of depression and suicide, advocating for polices and legislation that can help prevent suicide and working to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide.
* Offering programs for survivors of suicide loss that can be of assistance and involving survivors in suicide prevention. AFSP survivor initiatives include the National Survivors of Suicide Day Program, which was broadcast to 112 communities last year and was simulcast on the AFSP website, the Survivor e-Network and trainings for survivor support group facilitators.

So you see? It's NOT about pulling a gun out of someone's hands or pulling them off a bridge. It's about getting resources that will help people before they get to that point ~ and help their friends and families left behind if they do. It's about removing the stigma.

For various reasons I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about yet, this year the walk means even more to me, and I would greatly appreciate your support. Even $5 helps, and you can donate whatever you want ~ it's not like Kintera where you have pre-set amounts.

If you're not in the US, one thing we found that worked last year was to send money to my paypal account and I wrote a check to AFSP. If you want to do that, let me know and I'll give you my paypal address.

Thank you.

the overnight

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