Women Appreciation Challenge Day 2

Jul 31, 2007 12:17

Again, from sansets, Women Appreciation Challenge Day 2.

Day 2: Rec women centric art/artistic creations.
It can be fanfiction, books, movies, music, complete TV series, single episodes, paintings, quilts, cakes ... anything you want! The only catch is that women have to be prominently featured. (And I leave it entirely up to your discretion as to what constitutes women centricity. Personally, I wouldn't say that Supernatural is really women centric, but if you want to rec the entire series for its women centricity, feel free to do so and prove me wrong! Or if you have a favorite cake that you think represents your experience as a woman, go for it! I LOVE being proved wrong when I get new angles to view art through.) So go forth and rec one, rec five, rec five hundred! Just don't forget to come back here (lj user="sansets">'s journal), click your box, and post a link to your recs in the comments!

Evening ~ book by Susan Minot and movie.
The Year of Magical Thinking ~ book by Joan Didion and play on Broadway
art by Georgia O'Keefe
art by Mary Cassat
any CD by Audra McDonald
The Hours ~ even though the book is by a man, it's totally women-centric, also the movie

I know there are others...but I've procrastinated on my paper enough for now.


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