(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 11:57

Hello all. Like so many, I had the opportunity to watch Superman Returns last night. But before I start into my own ideas, let me direct you to an amazing post on the matter. Check out
torpedo_blues latest post. I hear you my man...you said it. :)

As far as what I thought of the movie? I agree a lot with
torpedo_blues . My favorite scene in the movie is probably the baseball stadium, with everyone cheering for the Man of Steel. What it represented welled up a great deal of emotion in me...almost to the point of tears.



These are ideals that have fallen on hard times in our world. When the predominant view of today's man is "Me", "Mine", and "Self-Actualization", what room is there left for compassion and self-sacrifice? We are not our own creatures. For to live only for one's self; what gain is that? Even murderers and rapists do that. But to give of one's self to others...there is a noble calling.

Superman is the embodiment of these ideals...of sacrifice. He gives of himself every day of his life. And simply because he knows it is the right thing to do. To do otherwise would be to go against his own character and conscious. He would no longer be Superman. And I think that is one of the reasons I so enjoy this character. Unlike
torpedo_blues , I liked Superman even as a child. Back then, I loved the powers. I mean, come on! He can't be hurt...and he can fly?! That's awesome! But as I got older, the thing that kept me coming back was "the Big Blue Boy Scout". The integrity of the character has an appeal for me that goes beyond the powers. It's safe to say that Superman is probably my favorite superhero.

Because of what he represents.

So did I like the move? Ummm...yes? (oh, look...sarcasm) Yes, it was beautiful...AND awesome! Yeah, there were a few very minor hiccups, but nothing major. All the major stuff was right on. And I really liked the guy they got for Superman. If I can't have Reeves...then this guy (I forgot his name) fills in nicely. (and his Clark is so spot on, that it was hard for me to tell is WASN'T Reeves at times)

Go see movie...you like!
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