Time time time

Jan 20, 2006 23:26

It has been a month and then some since the last update, so I figured I would update. Besides, I feel like typing. Right now it is 11:28pm, and me and Jason are the only one's home. I don't know where anyone else went, Dan's out of town somewhere. Way back in July I went to see Batman Begins by myself and it was a great movie but kind of depressing by myself. Then in November, I went to Harry Potter IV by myself and it was fine... and I realised later (like, today) going to movies by yourself can actually be fun. So that's what I did again - I went to The New World at 8:15 tonight by myself. It was a very different movie. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of people don't like it. It was sloooowwwwww, a lot of voiceover narration (probably more of that than actual dialogue - and a good bit of the movie there wasn't really much talking at all), and the background music and slow pace were enough to go to sleep to - but I stayed awake and interested, and it wasn't boring. I'm sure a lot of people will find it boring though, I dunno, just a matter of taste I guess.

I thought I had more to say but I guess I don't... wandering around the mall a little bit while walking towards the theatre... observations... but I guess nothing really to put in here.

The baby-killing crowd is worried about Judge Alito getting confirmed for the Supreme Court because they think he'll turn back the clock on civil-rights (ie, the right to kill babies). I have been reading some news stories about baby-killing advocates having meetings and rallies and calling the ability to kill babies without fear of prosecution a "cherished right", and I have heard that they say things like "women everywhere depend on it". I am not going to point out why those statements are depraved, because that just gives the impression that the whole topic is a legitimate debate. It isn't. I mean, since when is killing or not killing babies really a tough question for reasonable people?

The things they say... "It's a women's issue". Ok, then I guess that means male babies won't be subject to it? Or the children of males won't be subject to it? O wait...

They say things like "I am against abortion, but I'm not going to impose my view on someone else and make that decision for them". Good one. how about this: I am personally against the Nazi Holocaust, but I am not going to impose my view on the Nazis - they need to have that right.
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