Aug 12, 2008 21:46
I am finally one step closer to getting work on the house started. The contractor and the insruance company settled on an amount for repairs. Now the friggen contractor just needs to start working. katrina house is not fun to live in at all anymore.
I have created more wiggle room for the things that I like to do. I finally got out to my sisters house this weekend past and rode with her. i have a new equine friend named, Daisy. She is supposed to be my neice's horse, but she's too busy with everything with school and work, getting into college what not and she needs to be ridden. I certainly don't mind. I had a day off today and went out and hung out there with Daisy, gave her a little brushing, cleaned her face, helped my sister fix a gate and got the farm freshiest eggs possible! It was pretty awesome.
I am in the process of coming up with a yoga practice for my brother-in-law that is not too technically challenging so, he can do it on his own. I need to consult a few things first. I will probably end up going overboard and making him like a weeks worth of practice so, he can choose from which he wants.
Teaching otherwise is going well. I get frustrated when no one helps, cleans up the studio etc. i mostly just teach and stick to myself. I don't allow them to be involved with me only because some of them are entirely too jaded and look for anything to drag people down with them. Not a great environment for the type of buisness that we are in.
I had two bad people experiences today. I was leaving the dentists office today and was at the stop sign on 38th and Farnam. I was stopped first and this dude in a CRX pulls up waits for the car to pass and almost hits me because he wasn't paying attention to the fact that there was another stop sign accross the street so, i beeped my horn at him in no way aggressive, just to get his attention and he freaked out slammed on his brakes and is screaming out his window at me. I think he said something like "honk your fucking horn at me again and I'll get out of the car and fucking beat your ass." there was a lady walking by mcfoster's who witnessed this too and we looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. I drove on to QT for an icee having visions of wishing I had a bat in my car so I could have ended that guy. It was so absolutely unneccsary. i had my phone out ready to dial 911 incase he came after me, but I really wanted to strike first.
Then. I get home feed my dogs and let them out to potty and i went back into the kitchen to change out their waters and Stella was AGRRESSIVELY barking and she usually only barks like that at people she doesn't like so I go outside and there is a fucking kid standing at my gate barking through it at Stella so, I yelled, "Can you please stop teasing my dog before I let her attack you?" and the adults in the situation were like stop that. his response: "what? I wasn't doing anything." Me: That is why I heard your voice barking through my fence, really awesome neighbors! I am growing increasingly frustrated with these people. they are old and fucking grumpy and disgustingly disrespectful to Dale and I and our property for absolutely NO reason. They have been fucking assholes since the day we moved in. I don't even want my car parked next to theirs because I know the old lady door dings me. all the time. On top of all of the other shit they do, I am at my wits end. It's no wonder that no one lives here for long betwixt the fucking neighbors from hell. I am going to start throwing real. loud. parties. and they can fucking eat a bag of dicks. I get SO furious when I think about it. FURIOUS.
Enough about that.