☼ 001 [Action]

Jan 18, 2010 10:25

[Funny things to wake up to: a spontaneous change of clothes, an unfamiliar ceiling, hell, waking up when you don't even remember going to sleep. Pretty normal for normal people, surely. Now just for fun, here's a few that are specific to Lucia: Suddenly having *normal* vision in *both* eyes, both on account of her eyepatch being gone and the normally-unusual left eye... suddenly not so unusual anymore. And those sigils on her arm? Gone, along with... way too much else for her taste.

So let's recap. Suddenly somewhere else, without her primary gun (well, either gun, but she's more concerned about that particular gun, thank you very much), her knife, or her clothes, and apparently her powers, somehow, with absolutely no explanation as to how or why. Guess who isn't in a very good mood. At least she's... decent at handling it. Well, she isn't screaming or carrying on about it, at least. Nah, just going for a walk, as much to clear her head as well as to try and figure out just where she is and what's going on. And maybe possibly hoping whoever did this to her'll show up so she can shake some answers out of them.

She almost regrets the fact that she *really* wants a cigarette right about now. A certain someone's complaints about her little "moderation" be damned.]

... God. If this isn't just what I needed.

-snake, intro, action

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