Morning Comes Slow Today (active, closed)

Mar 20, 2009 23:54

Who: Lulu chasing_fury & Conrad guardian_conrad
Where: apartments, eatery
When: following the training thread
Why: for brunch
Rating: E. (there may be flirting, but so far, it's just breakfast)

Lulu sat quietly in Lord Conrad and Sir Yozak's sitting room, subtly taking in little bits an pieces of information about the man who'd asked her to breakfast, while she waited for him to change. She'd hardly had time to work up an appetite with the simple, moving meditation she'd done that morning, let alone a sweat--but then she hadn't been the one with the sword.

She was, however, looking forward to the prospect of trading stories with the swordsman over breakfast as they both had promised...but of course she wasn't one to become overly least not to outward appearances. So she sat, relaxed and grounded, and pretended not to wonder if the charming swordsman would be taking a shower in the next room.

conrad, lulu

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