Since I know making holiday-related icons can be horrible at times, I've tried to give you guys a choice on themes. If a theme seems holiday-related, I've made it so it can be interpreted differently as well. So feel free to be festive or not, nothing will count against you in any way! Just have fun :)
- Review the community rules and info
- Try to keep your icons PG-13 rated. No nudity or excessive profanity, please.
- Icons must fit LJ standards: under 40kb in file size and either .png, .gif, or .jpg format.
- Do not submit any prior work. All icons should be made specifically for this contest.
- When posting your finished icons, post a teaser of 3 icons with a cut to the icons or a link to a post in your journal/community.
- All posts with icons made in an outside journal or community MUST BE UNLOCKED until the end of the round. Moderators need to be able to see the icons for setting up voting, and other people shouldn't have to join or friend you to view your icons.
- Use the included table (below) for convenience. Feel free to change the colors/fonts if you wish.
- Leave comments on other people's icons, it's nice. Everyone likes to know that their work is appreciated!
Posting Guidelines:
- Title your post: Round 3 - Team YOURTEAM
- Tag your entries as follows: round 3, entries: round 3, team: YOURTEAM, user: YOURUSERNAME
- Posting is moderated, so your post will have to approved before it appears in the community.
10 PM PST. You will have 31 days to finish your set - so I want to see lots of entries! :P
Team Info
REMEMBER - You may icon anything related to the fandoms that your team is assigned (actors out of character are fine, as long as they fall within an assigned fandom) - but ONLY those fandoms. You are required to use at least THREE of the fandoms assigned, so you may choose not to icon two assigned fandoms if you wish.
Team 1 - The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Underworld
Team 2 - Harry Potter, Merlin, Legend of the Seeker, Lord of the Rings, Lost
Team 3 - Supernatural, Sanctuary, Dr. Who, Fringe, Torchwood
Team 4 - Glee, Gossip Girl, Hellcats, Pretty Little Liars, Smallville
Posting access this round:
All members have posting access now, entries are moderated.
Winter |
Silent Night |
Gift |
Quote |
Hero |
Villain |
Betrayal |
Ship |
Crossover |
Epic |
5 CATEGORY - Deadly Sins
Sin #1 |
Sin #2 |
Sin #3 |
Sin #4 |
Sin #5 |
Winter - You can make this holiday-themed if you wish, doesn't need to be though - cold, blue, snow, etc. all work :)
Silent Night - Textless icon, must be at night. Doesn't have to be holiday-related, but it can be if you are feeling festive!
Gift - Interpret this how you like, someone receiving a gift of some kind or any other way you see it. Once again, can be holiday-related or not - your choice.
Quote - Any quote from your assigned fandoms. Text-only please :)
Ship - Show us your favorite ship from your assigned fandoms. Doesn't have to be romantic.
Crossover - This icon should be a crossover between two or more of YOUR ASSIGNED FANDOMS. You can use a blend, divide your icon, or however else you want to do it. Just make sure you include images from at least two of your team's fandoms.
Epic - Show us something EPIC about one of your fandoms. It can be an epic moment, an epic fail, epically bad or epically cool - choose whatever you want, just make sure it's EPIC in some way.
5 CATEGORY: Deadly Sins - Choose 5 of the Seven Deadly Sins to interpret into icons (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride). This is an often-used category but I think it's a rather fun one. Make sure to specify on your table which sin each icon represents. Check
here for more info about the sins.
5 ARTIST'S CHOICE: Up to you :)
Team list is
here. :)
Thanks to everyone who suggested themes, I borrowed quite a few of your great ideas! ;)
Have questions or comments about themes or anything else in this round? Feel free to leave a comment on this post.