On the second day of Christmas

Dec 27, 2020 15:16

my true love sent to me

Two friends together

[Title] What Not To Talk About
[Fandom] Battle Royale (manga)
[Rating] PG for underage drinking and reference to previous canonical violence
[Notes/Summary] Yutaka and his friends play Never Have I Ever.
[Link] "I mean, Never Did I Ever want to see that"

[Title] Good Ideas
[Fandom] Akira
[Rating] PG-13 for sex
[Notes/Summary] Kai/Yamagata. Kai's not sure how this happened, or what to say next.

Not that Kai had ever thought til now about how Yamagata treated his girlfriends after they’d just boned, but he would’ve assumed something along the lines of love ‘em and leave ‘em. No lying there basking in the afterglow, and certainly no snuggling.

But they’re sprawled in Yamagata’s bed together and Kai’s been steeling himself for a good few minutes now to be kicked out (perhaps literally) and probably told that this was a mistake and disgusting and all Kai’s fault and… none of that is happening. The bed’s pretty narrow and he doesn’t have much of an option other than to kind of lie on Yamagata, whose breathing’s slowed now and who’s absently drumming one foot against something or other, like he’s perfectly chill, like he makes out with his guy friends all the time. Which, hell if Kai knows, maybe he does, but he’s been keeping it pretty damn quiet if so.

Someone halfway normal would enjoy the moment - the last half an hour or so has been kind of awkward and messy and the bed was definitely not big enough for two people and it should’ve been weird, it being Yamagata, and yet, and yet it… the fact that it was Yamagata was good, like comfortingly familiar and weirdly hot at the same time -

But any moment now Yamagata’s going to claim he isn’t like that, okay, and so Kai should really stop reflecting on how hot (weird or otherwise) any of this was, and he should probably just get out of the bed and go. That kind of back-and-forth thinking gets old quick, and Kai figures he is probably not halfway normal (especially if anyone finds out about this) and so he says, “So… you offer this kind of hospitality to everyone you let crash on your floor?”

He feels Yamagata snort, and the other guy flicks fingers against his head. “You’re not on the floor, are you, dumbass?”

“Fair enough. That’s me told.” Kai sort of wants to… it’s dumb, but he kind of wants to provoke a fight, almost, like pre-emptively. No way is this anything but a mistake, no way is it going to happen again, so you may as well rip the bandage off in one go. Or maybe it’s not that; maybe it’s that he’s second-guessing everything now. Like is he meant to just carry on talking to Yamagata like they’re friends, or is he meant to be the one who’s angry, or should he have got up and left already or what?

“But do you?” he says, anyway.

“Do I what?”

“Do this with everyone. With other guys.”

Yamagata doesn’t get mad. He’s silent for a few moments, then says, “No.”

Asking so what’s so special about me is a recipe for a rude awakening. Why anyone would fish for compliments from Yamagata of all people…

“I dunno,” Yamagata says, shrugging - almost starts a landslide, Kai has to scrabble not to fall out of the bed, which he could’ve used as an excuse to leave but doesn’t - “Seemed a good idea, is all.”

It could be that. It could be nothing more than that. Yamagata does a lot of things because he thinks they were good ideas. They often backfire. Kai thinks it’d be nice if this one didn’t. If it seemed a good idea and turned out it actually was and that was all there was to it.

“I mean,” Yamagata says, oddly quiet for him, “I dunno what you think it was. I just figured… I dunno, you’re my friend and you’re less annoying than most people and… I was horny. Like I said. Seemed a good idea. But if you’re gonna start -”

Maybe Yamagata’s not been just enjoying the moment. Maybe he’s been overthinking stuff too.

Fair enough.

“I’m not,” Kai says, and hears himself smile, like he’s okay with where he is, like he’s happy. “It seemed like a good idea to me, too.”

battle royale, akira, fanfiction

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