May 23, 2003 07:08
i'm up so early cause my cars so ghetto. i don't have to be at school till 45 after. maybe i should visit tim. mom didn't give me lunch money so i'm gonna go over to kims grandmas house and eat food over there. kimmy you better be home. lunch is from 9.35-10. todays still on if youre wondering too.
changed my schedule AGAIN. so no chemisty that got changed to law aspects and business, and its integrated 3 math lol and i'm taking a PC course at scti and a photo. class at ringling. im so fucking hungry and the pants i'm wearing ive worn like 3 days in a row already. but i took a shower last night. i handed in applications again last night at barnies and pacsun. i was going to turn one in at living world (the jesus book store on fruitville) to make my mom be all like whoa but i got there two fucking mins. late and they wouldn't let me in. ive been trying to apply for subway but they 'don't have any more' applications. i just think that they don't want me working there. gotta go get ready now. kimmy see you at 9.45