today is the first day for the rest of my life

Dec 05, 2005 08:02

so it's exam time...gimme a knife.

i have to finnish my staff today..i actually like saying that...haha
then i have to go to school and set up my showcase.
i have to ...ew...render the showcase, light plot, research for my prop, draft my prop...drawing for my prop, a journal like thing..and i think that's it...but i don't really know...and it's all due at 2.

then i have sculpture...that should be fine.

then i might hang out with a friend...intresting word...

please define: i wonder what the dictionary doubt: (frend), n. 1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. 2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: freinds of the boston symphany. 3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend of foe? 4. A member of the society of Friends; Quaker. - v.t. - idiom. 6. make friends with, to enter into friendly relations with; become a friend to. friend'less, adj.

regret:to feel sorrow or remorse for ( an act, fault, disappointment, ect.)

Lose: to come to be without. as though accident. to have a slip form sight or awareness.

what's it say about LOVE? well theres a lot about sexual activity and tennis scores...but lets see...affectionate concern for the well being of others...a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep have a strong liking for.......

so love is a lot of like..unless your playing tennis or haveing sex that is.

SO? I guess i'm hurt and confused but i didn't stop loving you....either of you..and the only thing you lost was a few keys...i'd be a big fat hypocryt if i let one mistake ruin it all...i don't want to be mad but i have to be...i must say that i felt decieved...i'm still hurt and a little confused but it's stupid to pretend i'm not going to get over it. so lets skip the "i don't want to talk to you" part and the "i'm so mad and sorry i'm going to hide under a rock and hope for starvation" stage....and go to the "i'm still mad but nows a really hard time and we don't have much left together and it's the lets hug and make up even though i might bring it up as a sarcastic comment cause i still feel a little burned" part of it might be awkward...mostly cause i always am...but i love you both so much, and that's the only reason it hurt so much....but i still love you. so give you self one more kick in the ass and then call me...not to drink or anything like that but if you want to watch a movie i'm all for it.

see you later girls...and don't do it again or i'll have to find a pig for you to wrestle to see which one gets to still be my friend.
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