Drabble Fic: Surrender

Apr 25, 2007 08:55

Title: Surrender
Rating: G
Summary: Elizabeth's thoughts At World's End.
Pairing: None really. Maybe a little implied J/E.
A/N: Quickly written response to a prompt on the 30 day drabble table. Un-beta'd. Okay, okay, I know-it's more like 200 words than 100. But I do have a tendency to be long-winded. ETA: Forgot to mention that this is in response to prompt number 5, Open Water.

The night is silent as the ship slices through unnaturally glassy waters, propelled by an unseen force. The sky lies heavy upon them, sleepy blinking stars held tight in its thick velvet.
At first glance the razor’s edge of the fall is mistaken for the horizon. But the ship closes in too quickly and you shouldn’t be able to actually touch the horizon.  Knowledge and fear settle in; there is no time to breathe.
A swell of emotion rises within her, bringing with it the memory of Jack’s dark smile and sad eyes. Pirate, he called her, and she understands now that if a ship is freedom then being a pirate is about choice. Betraying Jack was her own terrible choice; only she can save him.
Another heartbeat and they’re perched at the edge of the yawning vertex. She is frozen, ears straining for the sound of water crashing against land, but hears only her pounding heart.  
She is terrified but alive, and she’s made her choice. The helm tips and she’s lost her center of gravity but it doesn’t matter; she closes her eyes and spreads her arms wide, and she is flying.
I love feedback.

challenge, fic

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