Eh...why not?

Aug 01, 2007 21:07

So I decided to let some of my entries be public. I don't know. I feel like if I want to be a writer and get my opinions out there, then I have to let the general public hear them. When in doubt, I could always change the posts to friends only. I've been debating about this for a while, so I figured why not, ya know?

It was good to be home today. I was a little nervous last night and this morning. My stomach was gurgling and I didn't know if it was digesting or starting to bleed again. By this early afternoon I was good though. Lord, I am so glad to be out of the hospital. Sure, I have the all around care, but after a while, I begin to go crazy. Five and a half days was enough.

Today was good though. Really good in fact! Since Peter and mom couldn't miss anymore work due to me being sick, Becky offered to come stay with me in case there was an emergency so I wouldn't be alone. As I was talking to her last night, she asked if it was okay for Will Cole to join us. Dude! I hadn't seen Will Cole in pretty much years!

So Becky and Will came and hung out with me for the day. I ended up getting my perscriptions at CVS, and after about two and a half hours of The Simpsons, we decided we needed a little something else to do. Unfortunately, I thought that I had some of my board games here, but they're all back at Mom and Dad's place. Dammit. So we decided to have a quick adventure to Target and we bought Life.

Okay. Life in itself was interesting. As we played, we began to get the impression that the game had changed since we were younger. I do not remember the Spin to Win option. And since when were there so many stops? And changing careers? Hmm...not cool. But we had fun and they're coming back again tomorrow. This time we'll be prepared and have a few other things to do.

When Pete came home, he treated us to Sushi House for dinner. I had some nice California rolls, sans the seeds. It was a good day, and tomorrow will be just as good as well.

Okay, time for a little snack, some TV, and bed.

crohn's disease, becky, board games, the simpsons, sushi, flare up, peter, will

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