Warhammer 40k!

Sep 28, 2007 12:32

Standard 40k game - Marines vs. Necron
Four quadrants, capture the most points to score. Highest score wins.

This was a quick 500 point fight between Khime and me. This was my first 40k fight, so it was more a demo than a real battle. Khime chose to use his Necron army and gave me access to his Space Marine army.

Marine Army - Cremators

Squad 1 - Tactical Squad w/ rocket launcher
Squad 2 - Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter
Commander Cronus w/ bionics and power sword.
Chaplain (unnamed)

Necron Army - Necrontyr Tomb World Nascus

Squad 1 - Necron Warriors - NSC-001-W-01[1-A]
Squad 2 - Necron Warriors - NSC-001-W-02[1-A]
Necron Lord /w Lightning Shield and Eye of Flame (?)(NSC-001-L-01)

The map was divided into four areas and a dice was rolled to see who would go first. I won the roll and chose the South-East corner of the map, since I was sitting on that side anyway. Khime chose the zone opposite of me, the North-West corner. Khime then got to deploy his forces first since I got to choose my spot. There were 6 turns total in the game and in order to win an Army had to either wipe out the other army before turn 6 or control more areas than the opposing army. Since there were only two squads per army, each squad could hold one point.

Turn 1
On the first turn the Necron chose to move squad 2 towards the closest marine squad (which happened to be squad 2), towards east center area. They were too far away to move and shoot, however squad 1 shot a few times at Marine squad 2, scoring two casualties.

The Marines hunkered down and downed several Necron with their missile launcher and heavy bolter, however the felled Necron only got back up after the turn was over.

Turn 2
Necron Squad 2 continued to move towards Marine Squad 2, taking a few shots after their movement - the marines stood fast. Squad 1 started to move down towards the South, taking the South-West quadrant.

The Marines chose to split their efforts. Squad 2 started to move north, in an attempt to seek cover and move away from a Necron charge. Squad 1 hunkered down and continued to launch missiles at the Necron, with only one real casualty.

Turn 3
As Squad 1 continued to move into the South-West quadrant, Squad 2 found themselves in range of a charge against Marine Squad 2 - a miscalculation left a few marines open to charging, letting the Necron flood against the unprotected warriors but the Marines held strong, suffering no wounds.

The Marines decided to turn the tides with squad 1 charging from their cover into the fray. The rush managed to drop 4 Necron warriors.. the Chaplain and Commander obliterated two warriors by themselves, their power weapons rendering the resurrection impossible.

Turn 4
Out of the 4 downed Necron only one rose again to fight. Squad 1 moved more towards the center of the map, though staying too far south to do anything with the foray to the east.

In the melee, the chaplain rushed into the fray, confronting the Necron Lord head on - a wound was scored on the Lord, but not without the Chaplain being struck with a wound by the Lord's Lightning Shield. The Marine Commander struck down two Necron warriors by himself while his loyal marines took out one more. However a Marine was also struck by the Lord's lightning shield, releasing him from his duty.

The Necron Lord turned his wrath upon the Marines of Squad 2, hoping to diminish their numbers and stop them from taking a portion of the map. Out of his attacks, one Marine falls - the savagery forcing the Marines to make a Morale check - however with their commander standing with them, they do not move an inch in the face of such terrific danger.

Turn 5
Willed on by the shouts of their Commander, the Marines successfully defended against the Necron's attacks, holding the Lord at bay until the Chaplain was joined by the Commander, who summarily struck down the alien, destroying him utterly. In response, what was left of the Necron Squad 2 fled, the Marines quickly destroying them to a one.

In response Necron Squad 1 moved quickly towards the center of the battle-field.

Turn 6
The Marines quickly regrouped, sending their wounded brothers behind cover - as a last ditch effort, the Necron Squad 1 fired after the wounded squad, taking one down..

However that was not enough for the squad to be reduced to the point of uselessness and the Marines managed to fend off the Necron, winning the game.

My Observations
Since this was my first game, I was certain I would lose. I think it was more or less pure luck when I selected a chaplain with my left-over points because the commander and the Chaplain really saved the day. Both of them had power weapons, which took Necron models completely off the map and the Chaplain’s Litanies of Hate and No Fear rule added to the melee carnage, helping me push aside the Necron’s charge.

If the Necron had stayed back and gunned me down, I think they would have come out on top - my gunnery skill was sorely lacking and I wasn’t doing enough damage to bring down enough Necron without them just getting back up the next turn. Eventually I would have had to rush in and charge but if both squads of Necron were against both of my squads, I’m sure to have lost.

The Space Marines are a bit cheaty, as they’re good at everything all around, with excellent saves and once I got into melee with the Necron’s split forces, it was all over.

The game was a wonderful learning experience and it taught me a good deal of the basics of how a WH40k game is run. I’m still not sure which army I want though - I want a fun army to paint (Eldar or Chaos Marines) but I also want a good story (Battle Sisters, Space Marines). I think I want to play a few more games though with different armies, just need to find a way to do that beyond Dawn of War.
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