Sooo review post. :D Expect a lot of gifs from Glee js. I already reviewed the Lost finale but I just wanna say again I'm baffled that peope are still baffled about what went down. Seriously you guys. It's not like no one explained it after the finale in written form too. But yeah. I hope all your hardcore Losties on my f-list are feeling better about it. :)
Anyway onto the shows 'cause we got two more finales to discuss people.
Glee episode Theatricality was acutally really good.
I loved it. There were scenes that were hard to watch for me though. When Finn started yelling at Kurt I almost skipped that part. You guys know I try to treat Kurt the same as everyone and not make up excuses for his behaviour too much. He was out of line to flirt with Finn like that all the time. He pushed Finn when it was clear that Finn wasn't interested in guys. I mean he felt confused and hurt when Mercedes persued him despite knowing deep down that he wasn't straight. Anyway I would have snapped too in Finn's situation especially because he wasn't fine with moving in anyway. But moving in with Kurt? Sharing this close space with someone that hits on your and makes you uncomfortable? This isn't about sexuality this is about normal reactions. Who wants to live with someone this close when you know they're crushing on you and you know you won't ever be able to feel the same? Just wanted to put that out there.
Of course that doesn't mean Finn can call someone or something "faggy". I get that he doesn't mean it though because he has been much nicer about this than most guys would have been. But still. Of course Burt was perfect in his speech and him mentioning Becky made me so happy. I think maybe they moved in too soon? Or they should have at least waited for Finn to get his own room. I mean just telling a kid that the new house of your new stepdad is much larger/expensive and then have him hand you money and expect it to be okay? That's overwhelming. That's why I thought they should have waited. But everybody makes mistakes and Finn really was sorry later. I really hope Kurt gets over his crush and they work this out. I've said before that I don't really like Finn and I don't but I can see his side of things. Then again I was kinda sad that Kurt's gentleman with the pocket watch was wasted on that scene because it looked fabolous. Oh and as did the orient themed room though it wasn't Finn's thing. That said I'd give a lot for Kurt's bachlor pad and wouldn't even want to share it with someone I was crushing on but I guess that's just me.
So that's it for the Kurt storyline. :) On to the other stuff. I liked that they focused on Tina even more when we had seen her in the Artie episode and I had sort of started to like her. I mean I guess I never really got her character since she wasn't on much and I disliked that she was loved so much even though she never did anything. I just didn't like the character much. Figgins being afraid of vampires was a bit WTF to me at first but then I thought it was hilarious. And oh god making fun of Twilight. Priceless. Did they hunt Jacob down because of his name? Though Jacob should be happy about any attention he gets. Just saying. And that one girl looks suspiciously like nuttymadam. Also just saying.
And I loved how Tina said Asian vampires are the worst. When clearly that one guy on True Blood wasn't. She was though
And I'm glad she decided to be herself in the end though the suggestions were hilarious. Catholic school girl indeed.
So yeah GAGA. I love Gaga to be honest. Most of her songs anyway. And especially Bad Romance. I loved the performance although I would have liked to see it in the finished costumes with Rachel having a good one too. But how hot was Santana? I know a lot of people questioned their sexuality right there when watching.
Everyone looked fab except Rachel I guess.
But seriously the dance was awesome. But really not all mothers can sew. My mother hated doing crafts for school for me and I can't blame her since I don't have any talent for it either D: Oh well Shelby did the Bad Romance red costume so I guess she knows what she does. I loved all the costumes and the dancing and everything like I said. Santana singing was great but I hated that they censored it. Well they did the same for Bust Your Windows so I shouldn't be suprised. Yeah but Funny Girl didn't blow me away. Neither did Beth but it was better. I liked the version of Pokerface even though a lot of people felt like it didn't fit but I liked the performance it seemed like a good bonding scene regardless of the lyrics.
Oh and Rachel's plot I suppose and Kiss? Loved the Kiss stuff. Especially the girls dancing. Did anyone notice that only Will, Artie and Mike loved the girls performance of Bad Romance. Reading Mike/Kurt fic made me think he liked it because of Kurt haha. But I loved all the girls (+ Kurt) rocking out while the boys performed.
Overall a good episode. And I loved Quinn's star thingy that she carried everywhere. And Kurt standing up to the jocks. Though it reminded me a bit of QAF like some people said and that just brought up really bad thoughts. I was kinda scared for him.
HIMYM episode Doppelgangers was okay but not finale worthy.
I liked Barney caring about Lily and Marshall so much that he was his own doppelganger. Though Barney driving is still a huge plot hole because I don't know how he got from being scared to death of driving to trying to talk his way out of a speeding ticket and pretending to be a cab driver. Anyway I've said enough times that I hate baby plots and I still do. I liked Ted going blonde and everyone suddenly thinking it looked good. It's totally like with the red cowboy boots except that he kind of pulled it off. Anyway I felt sorry for Robin because she gave up her career for love and then Don gave up her for his career after she helped him believe in himself again. I liked Don unlike other people who thought we didn't really get into their relationship. Although I of course like Barney more. But I felt the plot was a bit of a rip off of the "I'm moving to Tokyo" thing Robin had already done so it wasn't new.
The Big Bang Theory episode The Lunar Excitation also didn't feel like a finale.
I liked that Penny realised that she could do better and that Lesie was in it I guess. But hey they proved that the moon landing wasn't all PR and actors huh? Nice. And yeah not much else happened except that Sheldon met a woman just as annoying as him. Yes I find him annoying sometimes and don't love him 24/7 like most fans. Nor am I blind to his faults. God knows I couldn't put up with him as funny as seeing his antics on TV is. Anyway that's it. Not much to say at all.