No House and I gave up on Gossip Girl. Who watches that crap anymore? GG I mean.
So The Big Bang Theory episode The Pants Alternative.
Sheldon is scared of speaking in public. Well who knew? Especially after all those speeches he does give. Sometimes in front of crowds. Oh well. I especially liked the scene where he's talking with his mother how he will buy "Jesus take the wheel" on "the itunes" haha :D And when he went in and they were all sitting there. Come on who didn't think Intervention? HIMYM fans at least. And the C-Men! But really Penny doesn't remember X-Men? I remember X-Men and I've never seen it. And drunk Sheldon was hilarious. Once again I felt so sorry for Leonard. What a horrible childhood. I know it's played for laughs but really.
The How I Met Your Mother episode Say Cheese was okay but not one of the better ones.
Robin and Barney had a pretty nice dynamic going on though. But because I've been re-watching HIMYM I can't help but compare the new episodes to the old ones. Which were - let's face it - way better. God and Lily is getting really annoying. And not the adorable kind. Same as Robin. I want everything to be back to normal. BAAAW.
The long awaited Lost episode Ab Aeterno didn't disappoint.
It was pretty awesome I must admit. Oh my god the mystery is really getting to me. Especially the MIB and Jacob. What are they doing there? Of course it's something bible related right? I mean the baptizing scene with Richard and Jacob? And I liked how the flashback was all in one go that was nicley done. And the Isabella ghost thing was heartbreaking. I'm suprised no one said Pandora's box when the wine flask thing came up. I really wonder if there's any good team on the island. I mean you have MIB and Jacob. Sure Jacob seems more good than MIB but still.