Sep 06, 2009 23:55

I am in serious need of inspiration so please,


Hi-res pics would be awesome and preferably shows/movies/people I've iconed before and I'll try to make something out of them. Thanks!

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cartography September 6 2009, 22:13:24 UTC
FIRRRRST. (Because I can.)

I'll be back tomorrow to spam youuuu. And "people you've iconed before" do include certain... favourite actresses, don't they? *adjusts halo*


mathhhh September 6 2009, 22:22:50 UTC
!!! (*loves you*)

Haha! Yes, yes, they do. Otherwise, I'd never hear the end of it, right? :P


cartography September 6 2009, 22:47:35 UTC
(*loves you moar*)

Heeeee. Here's a zip. Knock yourself out. :D (Can you tell I have nothing else to do but hunt through my pic folders?)


mathhhh September 6 2009, 23:11:48 UTC
(♥! you're not gonna win that one :P)

Awesome, thank you! So many pretty people. <3
♥ at the folder's name and LOLOLOL at the pics' names. You're fantastic, m'dear. (you kinda killed me with the suit up! pic though, jsyk. GUH does not even begin to cover it)


cartography September 6 2009, 23:20:46 UTC
(♥ I WILL. :P)

Yay, I'm glad you think so! I hope at least one or two will give you ideas. Or your muse a kick in the butt, whatever works best. ;) And heee, I had so much fun with the pics' names! (And jsyk, you're the (online) love of my life, thus the folder name.) SUIT UP! I know right? He's so hot! OMNOMNOM.


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