summer school

May 31, 2007 00:10

I should probably be writing in my internship journal instead, but I havent updated here in a few days so i figured i'd do that.
I FINALLY started my internship yesterday (Tuesday). It's going well. But it seems i am done for this week. Both of my bossguys are gonna be out of town so i dont wanna go up there and risk no one being at the office. But i did pick up a side job in the meantime, working with/under mimi. Menial wages are better than nothing, especially doing something I wouldve probably done for free.
I'm getting paid for gas at my internship, and thats fine. I don't have rent to pay, although i would like to pay something to mom. but not borrowing constantly would be an improvement nevertheless.

I discovered tonight that, despite not having Scream in about 8 years, I probably quote it on almost a daily basis. Emily and I watched it since she bought it and it was fun. There were a lot of parts that I think make it credible and I liked all the homages to classics, but we couldn't help but pick apart all the inconsistencies.

Spent a few days with Jess and Keith this week. It was fun (accidental Scream quote). I think Keith was probably getting tired of me being around though, haha. But I did manage to get them hooked on Veronica Mars- score! I could watch that first season over and over for sure. I can't believe how many of my favorite quotes from that show came out of the pilot. i have three on facebook and 2 out of three are from the first episode. crazy.

This summer is bound to be an interesting one...
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