Aug 23, 2006 20:04
Oh, God! I believe university life will now become a fucking job. I will be there mon-fri from 8-4"ish". Even when I'm not there I'm sure I will be working on drawings or something, but that's a good thing.
On an unrelated note:
I suspect by next summer I will know, at least in passing, everyone associated with the Beaumont art scene. If only more art students would attend openings, then I would be a little bit happier. The Stagg show had about, oh let me count.......................................FUCKING FIVE!!!!
That really anoys the shit out of me! Breath...............................
...........................O.K. I'm good now, God I just had to get that annoyance out of my system. Anyway, I think it will be a really productive semester.
So just one problem left: how to save the Studio in eleven months.
On a realated note:
I find it interesting that the amount the studio owes and the amount that Average Joe's on "Dodge Ball" owed is exactly the same. Talk about syncronicity. If only the Studio could get a dodgeball team together then we could play for the championship on ESPN 8 "the Ocho". Oh, I make light of a bad situation. I guess the only solution is to get the Studio active and to get people active about going there; because if we can't do it now then I have to ask my self the question "Does anybody else think the Studio is worth having around?" Well, I do. So, I guess I have to do what I can and hope for the best.... I guess that's all any of us can do about anything.