Sophie's world

Jul 24, 2006 13:40

I just finished reading Sophie's world. It was a nice little refresher on the highlights of philosophy, as well as a fun story.

The interesting thing is that I've been thinking about these major philosophical movements and how they related to my life, or maybe mental life. That is to say that in hindsight I've found that me thoughts on life have been all over these various periods. When looking for the answers to life on my own, I some how found other peoples solutions. I suppose that no reason could ever be lost, if it was reason that lead one to the conclusion it will be found again with the same reason. I'm not saying that the major players in philosophy didn't express the ideas better than me, on the contrary they did. It just starts to seem that the written history of philosophy compares just a little to well with my own mental, or reason, development to not just creep me out slightly. But such is life I suppose. So I suppose that now that I know the ideas of the past I am able to truly know when new ideas I have are really my own.

So just one question:

What can we express about the world that others have not already expressed?

Only answers or a very strong reasonable nature will be considered

I'm beginning to suspect that we are all slaves to the contemporary world view, and that none of us can ever truly think for our selves. I believe this is due to the nature of society in one part and the other part stems from the encroachment of globalization. I postulate that the increase in interconnectedness is creating a global society and any society creates conformity, thus limiting truly free thought. I do concede that the limitation of free thought by society is largely a byproduct of society, and is not some malicious intent. I know I'm not the first person to think or say this, most likely some one else said this before directly to me and I am just now processing it. I suppose though that is just the way thought works. I suppose it is the same problem since the dawn of civilization: which is more important the society or the individual?
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