Apr 20, 2006 18:27
Every one needs an exit strategy, and as such I have mine. I have decided to minor in Spanish at the very least, and before anyone says it I know not to make planes when they haven't even began to be executed. By taking all this Spanish the plan is to learn the language, and escape to any other country that speaks Spanish. The reason is I just have this nagging suspicion that this country has a good chance of going to real hell really quickly. In pursuit of this plan I wish to try to attend a graduate school in some Spanish speaking country that is relatively stable. After that if the U.S. isn't going well I will attempt to become naturalized. Yeah that’s the ticket. Canada may be another alternative; however under tough’s circumstances I suspect that I may be learning the wrong language, and I have heard that they have changed their immigration laws. A tropical island maybe, if anyone has some ideas just shoot.