Jul 20, 2006 12:05
Well the pool got cleaned.
I passed out the minute my head met the couch though. That was about 9am... my sister and mom decided they needed to go the Hannibal so I was left alone to sleep. See she and dad decided we all needed to be up at 6 in the morning to clean the pool out.
I can't go to sleep till 3...
So yeah. Crabby Katie.
Very very crabby.
But it got done.
By tomarrow the pool will be done and I can swim finally!
And I've been able to figure out everything with school, Tuesday I'll be enrolling in my classes while my mom is working on getting her new job. Yeah.. it's been interesting having her home.
All the time.
Dear God I've wanted to strangle her....
Was going to be getting a second job but what they wanted me to work was when I work already for my job now! So that sucked.. and my mom is just... grr.
I'm working dammit! Get off my back!