Mar 14, 2006 12:33
Well everything is ok, my parents are fine, sister is fine.
Great uncle still dead.
Friends are ok.
House is ok.
Jon didn't get hit by the storm like the wheater channel said...
Took my exam today.
Once again almost fell asleep in Art Survey..... DAMN YOU DARK ROOM WHERE ALL WE EVER DO IS LOOK AT SLIDES. *shakes fist* How can you expect me to stay concious?! When you won't even allow us to at the least bring in water. ~_~
Argh. Rant rant whine bitch moan.
Heh. ^^; Sorry. It's the whole week before HELL (aren't I lucky just in time for Spring Break! >.<) so I'm kinda going through the whole happy/sad/stressed/happy/HOMICIDAL RAGE/ ooooh! Kittens!
That's a pretty accurate description of my emotions currently. XD
And what is amusing I am perfectly sane!
Well sane enough....
Anyhow, thanks all for the words of comfort and all with the scare and all. ^_^ It's all greatly appreciated!