Jul 19, 2006 16:15
like a week ago i was driving home from work, and getting off of SR500 on to Andresen. and i was sitting way back because there was traffic. forever. what the hell? there's never this much traffic on Andresen... Jerks! so after what seemed like forever, i finally get to move and as im just turning at the stop sign leading on to Andresen, i notice that the two lanes going the opposite direction are stopped. not at the light, just randomly like there was an invincible stop light before the real one. as i drove past them, i noticed that the invincible stop light happened to be a mama duck and about 10 baby ducks waddling across freaking Andresen and the people i was getting pissed off at for being retarded drivers actually ended up being good people that don't run over ducklings.
it made me smile.
seriously, if people would just take the time to stop for duckies crossing the street (metaphorically. and literally i suppose.) the world would be such a better place.