verrenken's Halloween party:
_fancypony dressed as Marilyn Manson.
_onnie_ dressed as a mummy.
audiogirljenn dressed as a sub-adjunct sheet spreader.
bearzbub didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
betty_x dressed as Ashley Olsen with her very own conjoined Mary-Kate
bettyx dressed as Worf from 'Star Trek', and it suited them disturbingly well.
bobbyfontaine dressed as Franklin Pierce.
bubbahotep dressed as the Nasty Power Ranger.
bunnybite dressed as a giant skeleton.
butchbronco dressed as Lindsay Davenport riding a rat.
c00kie dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Crazy Pupil.
captain_brad dressed as Tom Cruise.
crow_whisperer didn't dress up, spoilsport.
cupidsxtrick dressed as the Archbishop of Flunalmax.
daikon dressed as a quarterback for the Saints.
damnation_gang dressed as the Governor of Delaware.
deadrat dressed as a rat.
devldog dressed as a part-time software reinstaller.
djeternaldarkne dressed as a goblin.
dko dressed as Gabrielle Reece's father.
drinkyclown dressed as a raccoon.
elysepatrice dressed as Susan Lucci.
eri_quito dressed as Master Shake.
eumenide dressed as a horse.
fang_uk dressed as a second baseman for the Giants.
grammarcub dressed as a 1970's disco child.
gravesme dressed as Jerry Bruckheimer.
gusmacroy dressed as a knight.
hippiekkat dressed as the love child of Dick Cheney and Susan Lucci.
hwyheretic dressed as Barney the dinosaur.
hypofixx dressed as a disturbing self-made character called 'Snotty Cootiebrain'.
i_dread dressed as Optimus Prime.
iheartretards dressed as Nicole Richie.
imnotawaitress dressed as your sister.
intheearhole dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Mermaid of Flame, though it looked more like a new superhero: Snow wave.
jeremygloff dressed as Catherine Zeta-Jones.
jinx dressed as Dick Cheney.
kerrinb dressed as the Lord of ElmVillage.
mangled_dreams dressed as something sympathetic, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
mondragon dressed as your grandfather.
mrpants dressed as a 1970's disco child.
neurohazard dressed as a circumscision.
no_series dressed as a reversible ground.
otherblandart dressed as the President of Germany, and it suited them all too well.
patrock dressed as the Delayed Power Ranger.
photosexual dressed as Rutherford B. Hayes.
pixelimia gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as James Madison.
puppyboyrex dressed as a bottle of Ronzyljar.
rexyboy76 dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Patricia.
rot13 dressed as a pimp.
schwarzedrache dressed as a Leah's Publishing employee.
seacumwhore dressed as a Level 1 sorcerer.
seattlewolf dressed as a cigarette box.
sfharetik dressed as a character from 'Shadow of a Doubt'.
sleephead dressed as a large vortex.
stentch dressed as Jennifer Garner, though it looked more like a pirate.
thirteenthree dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
thistleharlquin dressed as a bottle of Malaleedine.
xenocidal dressed as a resolution, though it looked more like a kicker for the Chargers.
xmasinsac dressed as a new superhero: Brown Streak.
yieldsigns didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
zacks_fuckinglj dressed as Gisele Bundchen.
Throw your own party at the
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