Bjursta Legacy: Generation 2.7

Aug 13, 2013 18:49

Previously on "The Bjurstas":
Jill accidently killed Beverly by making her go jogging. During Vilma's birthday party, the family became aware that Vladimir has never aged before. Vilma was threatened by their newly-adopted cat Choklad.

Bjørn: I love hanging around with young people! :D

Vika: Jellybean? Can I ask you something?
Jill: Yes, I guess.

Vika: Okay, get ready!

Vika: Any minute now ... !

Vika: Okay, I'll ask you now.

Vika: Jennifer Limbo...
Jill: It's Jill Lum ...
Vika: Do you want to be Jellybean Bjursta?

Jill: You're kidding, right?
Vika: Nope.

Jill: Of course I want to!
Vika: How wonderful!

Jill: This is the most romantic moment in my life. I hope it stays like this as long as possible.

Bjørn: Oops. My pants don't fit anymore.

Bjørn: And that's the only outfit I have. Better train the belly away immediately.
Jill: It's still a little tiny bit romantic ...

Bjørn: I'll train my belly away right here beside you two.
Jill: Goodbye, romantic atmosphere.
Vika: Sparkly food smells so good!

Vilma: Dad? Grandpa? I'm home from school.

Bjørn: Vika, you're bending too much.

Bjørn: You have to straighten your back like this!

Bjørn: No, Vika, look at me ... ! Like this!

Vika: Jelly, I need the computer!
Jill: What for?

Vika: I don't know! I need to watch cat videos or something.
Jill: ...

Vilma: You have to be really quiet. There is a very dangerous cat in here!

Iforgothername: Excuse me, but we have two cats and a dog at home and ... !
Vilma: Quick! Go down!

Vilma: I think she's coming ... !
Iforgothername: What? Are you a afraid of a little cat?

Vilma: What? No. Of course not.

Vilma: I'm not the slightest bit afraid.

Bjørn: My pants fit again! Yay!

Bjørn: But now I'm tired.

Jill: Vika, wake up!
Vika: What?

Jill: I just had a dream about your mom telling me I should marry you right now or she would burn down the house.

Vika: But Jellybean, my mom can't burn the house down. She didn't even take matches with her.

Jill: Vika, it's your mom. She could probably burn down the house by just looking at me.

Vika: You're right. We better hurry.
Jill: Yay!

Jill: We're wife and husband now, Vika.
Vika: Oh, right!
Jill: I love you so much for doing this for me, Vika.

Bjørn: Oh no! Did he eat the last piece of cheesecake?

Jill: No ... I don't care about the cheesecake.
Bjørn: Okay, good. Because I ate it. But that's or little secret, okay?

Bjørn: I have a serious pants problem.
Jill: Welcome, little Kivik!

Vika: What is it? Girl? Boy? :D
Jill: Boy.
Vika: Boy! :D

Vika: Don't be jealous, Choklad. It's your turn afterwards.

Bjørn: Aren't you a cute one?
Vika: What are you saying, Choklad?

Vika: You want some cheese?
Handsome Maid: What a nice family.

Bjørn: Baby Jill Two, let me introduce you to our coffee machine. First, you press this button ...
Yukiko: *glances at Jill*

Maid: I'm going home, Mr. Bjursta and Mr. Bjursta. See you tomorrow.
Bjørn: Quick, son! Hide behind me!

Vika: Okay, dad.
Bjørn: Is he still here?
Vika: I think so ...

Vika: He's gone now.
Bjørn: Yes! I knew my muscles would be intimidating.

Vilma: When did you get so big, Kivik? :D

Kivik: I don't know, man. It just happened - without a party!

Vilma: Calm down, okay?

Vika: I'm sorry. I didn't want to throw dog food at you again. ):

Vladimir: Bjørn! I heard your wife died! Which I'm sorry about, of course, but--

Bjørn: Not so loud! Her urn is right over there!

Bjørn: Somewhere ... over there ... I think.
Vladimir: Bjørn! We should go on vacation! To cheer you up a bit!

Bjørn: I don't know ...

Vladimir: We could lie on the beach and swim in the ocean-- ...

Bjørn: Or go camping!
Vladimir: Yeah, or go camping.

Bjørn: We should invite Vika and his wife as well!
Vladimir: But--
Bjørn: And my other kids! With their spouses! A family reunion!

Vladimir: But I wanted--
Bjørn: And when I find the urn again, I could bring Beverly too ...

Bjørn: Thank you for making me think of that, Vladimir!
Vladimir: Yeah, but-- ... well, you're welcome.

Bjørn: You're coming too, right?
Vladimir: Uhm. Yeah.

Bjørn: Great!
Vladimir: Yeah ... great.

Cookies for breakfast!

Bjørn: I don't have anything to wear for the vacation ... :(

Vika: Hej, you! Did you hear? My daughter got an A!
Vilma: Geez, dad, you're embarassing me!

Vika: Okay, I think you're all wondering why I've gathered you here.

Vika: Persika, are you even listening?

Persika: Guys, can I sit with you?
Kajsa: She's embarassed to sit beside her silblings ...

Vika: Well, the thing is: dad wants us all to go on a vacation together.

Waiter: *cracks head*

Will there really be a mighty family vacation? If yes, where will they stay? Will Vladimir come with them? Will they meet bigfoot? Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

!bjursta, bjursta gen 2

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