I want to go back to January. That was where I was all happy and inspired and like, a scene or two away from finishing something so it could be posted. Then February came around and I don't know, knocked it out of me? Well, the good thing for this month is that my cat has settled in well. :)
I've named him Elliot. My cat that passed away was named after another cat before her, and Elliot here is also named after an old cat that my Dad used to own. So his name does have some sort of significance, which makes me smile sometimes. Well Elliot has settled right in~
He sat next to Peppy, my oldest male cat. My oldest male cat that hates everyone except me.
He doesn't look too bothered, but seriously... he wasn't too pleased lol. But I'm glad he's not spitting and hissing the house down. Elliot is quite strange. He goes right up to the cats and dogs and is just fearless. I'm sorta proud of him. :'D
Well that's my highlight of February so far. Unfortunately it only lasted like two days before I fell sick for an entire week. Which was horrible. An A&E trip, a doctor visit and an injection in my hip later, and I'm still recovering from what has to be the worst stomach pain ever. I have no idea what it was. It started off as period pain (even more painful) and then... developed into where I became so dehydrated from vomiting everything that went into my stomach up that I almost needed to be admitted to hospital for fluids. So that was mortally horrifying. ;_;
Even better, I get to go to a radiologist and a gynecologist next week. Even more fun to my February lol. I think if my fears a bit irrational, but I'm hoping the news I get is less mortifying than my week of sickness.
And even more news to make this month sucky is that my DECADE DVD is late. I know why it's late, because they ran out of original stock and had to get more. So... my DVD is late and I'm grumpy. I've been waiting nearly a year to watch this!! I couldn't go to the concert so the next best thing is watching it of course.
Well, I'm hoping the rest of February is good. I feel like it can be good and I want it to be good as well. I need good stuff in my life right now. Besides, next month is my birthday so I'm looking forward to that too... oh and I'm testing new layouts as well. Not sure if it's a good idea or not though. Some feedback on it would be nice since I'd like a layout that makes reading my stories easier. (^^)