Mar 02, 2009 02:19
I'm trying to hold in all of my crazy. I feel like all I do is complain about things that no one can change anyway, and then it just makes things all around unhappy. Inversely, however, I am terrible at not saying what I am thinking, and I am thus coming off as if I am hiding something. I am just trying to complain less, that's all. Plus I get no sleep... that doesn't help.
I am worried about this whole marriage thing. I know that I want it, and I think Dan wants it too (he says he does, anyway, but I of course can't get what I've been told by others out of my head), but he seems so reluctant to actually do anything about it. I've talked to my mom, like I said before, and it went really well. But Dan has only really mentioned it to his parents once, and the outcome was not great. They took him to breakfast on Saturday morning and he didn't bring it up at all. I feel like that would have been a good time to mention that we've been talking about it pretty much non-stop for the past 2 weeks. He said something about how if he brought it up it would be the only thing they talked about. I understand that... but is waiting really going to help? And so what if it was all they talked about? Isn't this kind of important? what if it's more important to me than it is to him? ugh. I don't really know what to say. I aked him tonight about it. I said "what if they say no?" and all he said was we'll see when we get there.