Many thanks to Eurobeat King for taking photos (and 'cause I'm taking their bandwidth ohohoho)
Well, after several years, I finally re-made my Jam costume! Re-made is actually an unfair term though, since I completely started over from scratch :D;;;;;
Anyways, there's STILL tons of problems and aspects I'm unhappy with, such as the way the outer sleeves kept falling and HOW FUCKING SHORT IT WAS , but I really don't want to make it again a third time! I gotta learn when to step back 'n quit D:
Also, I'm only pickin' out the ones I like ahahahaha~ Next up....? Not sure, but in the Guilty Gear series, I definitely wanna cosplay as:
Venom (probably my all-time favorite character <3 )
Ky (He's a scorpio too! Haha, in all seriousness, I like the way he acts 'n his outfit looks fun to make)
Dizzy (her outfit is cute/slutty but gawd she's such an annoying character)
Oh man I have no time to even think 'bout this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit