Now that it's 2009, I find myself looking at how drastically things have changed over the past few years even up until now.
It's amazing how we become so sure of ourselves that good things will last forever. We get so wrapped up in our happiness that we forget that in the blink of an eye, it can all be taken from us. The selfish actions of just one person can change everything. I hate knowing that.
2008 was an intense year. It had some amazing days that won't be forgotten, but it also carried with it some of the most painful days of my life. That seems to have been the case with some of my very best friends, too.
I am ready for a positive change for myself, for my family, and for my friends. I'm tired of seeing everyone hurt and I'm tired of seeing everyone stress. I have such amazing people in my life, none of them deserve any of this. We've all paid our dues and we deserve only the best now.
This will be the year that everything turns around, I know it. I've never felt that way before. I'm not relying on chance anymore. Sometimes we have to create our own luck and that's what I intend on doing.
I already feel like my family is incredibly lucky to have this little dude, my nephew, in our lives. He is the most amazing kid. No matter what is happening, he always has a smile on his face.