Title: A Slow, Smooth Burn Going Down
Author: sadiekate
Pairing/Character: Logan/Weevil
Word Count: 4,068
Rating: NC-17, like whoa
Summary: A prequel to
Scattered Scars Like Constellations , answering the oft-asked question of how exactly Logan and Weevil got together. Angst and boysex and snark. Three great tastes, that taste great together. Believe it or not, this summary is the least dirty thing about the fic.
Spoilers: All aired episodes.
Warnings: Slash!
Author's Note: As always, my fabulous beta
__tiana__ (or Iced-Ti, as she is known on the streets), was indispensable. While she was reading this, her underpants CAUGHT ON FIRE and yet she continued to edit like the trouper she is. I have no idea how I would even get dressed in the morning if it weren't for her constant input, which improves everything in my life on a regular basis. X-posted to
fic_from_mars and
When Weevil turns up on his doorstep, it’s a fairly surprising turn of events. Logan had been expecting the Jehovah’s witnesses to come by. Again. Apparently they felt he was really in need of some saving.