falling backward

Apr 15, 2005 20:48

Title: falling backward
Author: ashley
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, hints of Leo/Veronica

Word Count: 1124
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Veronica has business to take care of.
Author's Note: Thanks for all the positive feedback! By the way, in case I hadn't mentioned it? I don't own these characters. Though I would totally love to.
Part 2 of ?
Continued from here

Spoilers: Episode 1.18, “Weapons of Class Destruction”

Some people made mistakes and some people kissed Logan Echolls while they were, ostensibly, in a relationship of sorts with an older boy who carried a gun. Some people admitted that "mistakes" and "kissing Logan Echolls" were probably part of the same category, or that the latter was a subcategory of the former, but not Veronica -- her only mistake (as far as she was concerned, basking in the relative after glow of her sub-mistake) was the misdialing of Logan when she'd meant to call Leo, a simple matter of trying to dial and drive while squinting into the setting sun.

Just a little mistake, anybody could have made it, so it wasn't entirely her fault that she arrived at the station without any warning whatsoever to Deputy Leo, gun totin' boyfriend extraordinaire. He glanced up and smiled at her from behind the state-issue desk, that same smile that had made her think that, yes, she could escape the stigma attached to being Veronica Mars if she'd only buckle down and apply herself, damnit!

"Just when I thought I was in for another disappointingly endless night of paperwork," he exclaimed happily, extending his arm toward her in a gesture of welcome. Veronica smiled back, albeit weakly, and she only managed that because the phone in her hand was still warm and she could still hear Logan's voice echoing in her mind like a favorite song.

I don't think it was a -- look, can you meet me?" The sound, kind of vulnerable and sweet and not at all Logan Echolls-ish, kind of... kind of something, which was funny, because Veronica had never had trouble with her diction. The perfect word every time to make the perfect sentence to have just the effect that she'd intended in the first place, and here? Adjectives were failing. She'd figure one out after she got this shining moment out of the way.

"Never fear, I'll be leaving you to the tedium shortly." She placed her hands on the back of the chair, almost as though she needed to do something to avoid sitting down and proclaiming via body language that 'sure, I'll be happy to stay a while!' "You've gotta get that paperwork done... Sheriff Lamb tends to get a little testy.”

Leo grinned (or had he ever stopped grinning? Veronica couldn’t be sure) and leaned forward, posture-perfect, across his desk. “Since when are you worried about Sheriff Lamb, Miss Mars?” She shrugged, almost a little bit helplessly and he cocked his head to the side, emitting a low, forced chuckle. “Something’s wrong.”

She noted that the smile never left his face. Why did he never stop smiling? Did the man have no inner turmoil? How could she have consciously decided to like somebody that had no obvious inner turmoil? Obvious error in judgment, and even she was allowed one every year or so. Troy? Last year.

“I suppose so,” she affirmed, certain as certain could be, even if the words implied uncertainty, which they did, causing Leo to raise his eyebrows in a motion that proved that yes - he was human, thank you very much and thus causing guilt to rise up in the chest of Veronica Mars. “Yes. Something’s wrong.”

“Any chance of you filling me on this something?” He sounded more interested than hurt, and she couldn’t help but think that it would have been a lot easier if he’d sounded just a little hurt, or worried, or scared, of if he’d just wipe that stupid smile off his face. It had diminished somewhat, just enough so his smile wasn’t exactly obvious but…

“I kissed Logan Echolls,” she finally just blurted out, so much for letting him down gently (she’d considered doing just that, it wasn’t like she was evil) and she immediately bit her lip to stop the smiling from spreading across her lips because suddenly her body was alive with the memory and wow, it was intense.

He nodded, just once, and slid back into an upright position. Extremely upright position, she noted, spine didn’t go near the back of the chair. Air was thick with silence and things that she wanted to say like “I’m sorry” and “If it makes you feel any better, my dad isn’t going to approve of me dating him,” but it wasn’t as though she could actually say any of those things because first of all, she wasn’t sorry and second, she wasn’t going to be dating Logan, much less telling her dad about him.

“I take it you don’t need me to steal any more evidence for you then,” he said, and okay, now she felt guilty and would have been incredibly sorry if she’d actually been using him for the evidence, which, by the way, she’d learned her lesson about the first time. “You didn’t have to kiss me, Veronica, I would have busted into the evidence room for you, anyway.”
She glanced downward and sighed, knowing that he wasn’t going to be convinced otherwise and unsure whether she really wanted to try to do so, because she also knew that Logan was probably sitting somewhere waiting for her call and much as she didn’t want to be all nympho-Veronica Mars (almost-virgins generally made very poor nymphomaniacs, anyway) whose head got turned by the thought of Logan Echolls, fantasy-boy of an entire class of freshman girls -

“It wasn’t about the evidence,” she murmured, not really wanting to meet his eyes. Besides, she knew the second that her lips touched Logan’s (or perhaps a few seconds after, she wasn’t exactly thinking when they were doing what they were doing) she’d kissed the evidence room goodbye and she was just thankful that she’d thought to make copies of the interviews and everything else before she’d gotten all tangled up in the arms of Logan. “The deputy factor was just a bonus feature. It was about you.”


She bit her lip and turned away. “I’m sorry, if that’s worth anything.” He didn’t look at her again, just glanced down at the papers strewn across his desk and picked up a pencil. Apparently her apology wasn’t worth a whole hell of a lot, so she shrugged and walked out of the Sheriff’s department without so much as a backward glance at her second-favorite hangout.

She sank into the driver’s seat of the Le Baron with about as much fanfare as she’d done when she’d blown the scene at the Camelot, but this time she was looking forward to backing out and driving away. She picked up the phone and dialed Logan, the tiniest smile on her lips as she waited for him to pick up - there were things to talk about and, she thought, mistakes to be made.

veronicamars, pg-13, veronica, logan

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