Fic: A Tendency To Start Fires (LoVe, NC17)

Jun 20, 2005 12:42

Title: A Tendency to Start Fires
Author: blondiekins aka Blondie aka sugarplum17
Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape or form, affiliated with Veronica Mars, Rob Thomas, any of the actors, or UPN and no infringement is intended.
Summary: The Echolls men have a tendency to start fires. Though some are better than others.
Rating: Explicit Adult Material
Author’s Note(s): I’m kind of leaving this open ended because I’m not sure if I’m going to make something more out of it, or leave it as it is. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and would help me decide on that. This is also my first time posting on Live Journal. If I haven't done it right, please let me know the correct way. Thanks.

Chapter One
A Tendency to Start Fires

Veronica opens the door and smiles, hardly aware of the fact that she’s slightly tilting her head. “I was hoping it would be you.” She says softly. He says nothing as he stands there, his arms wrapped around his body and his eyes cast toward the ground. Her smile begins to fade as she too looks toward the ground and steps aside to let him in.

“Logan,” she begins to apologize. She needs him to know that she is sorry for everything that has transpired within the last few days.

She is taken by surprise when his hand makes contact with her cheek. Her apology forgotten, she drags her gaze up to meet his and something inside of her ignites. There is a fire in his beautiful brown eyes that is entirely different from the fire she experienced earlier.

Unconsciously, her lips part and she sucks in a ragged breath. It’s true what they say about women, she thinks. They do know within minutes if they’re going to sleep with a man. It just isn’t within moments of meeting him. It’s in moments like this. These split second moments where you either react or don’t.

She finds herself leaning in. She is drawn to Logan Echolls like a moth to the flame.

She feels as though she’s kissed him a hundred times, and who knows, maybe she has? This time, though, feels different from all the rest. There was an edge to their relationship before. The prospect and possibility of getting caught provided a certain amount of adrenaline. Their kisses were hasty and greedy-as if they could have been caught at any moment and had to take all that they could before being interrupted. Now, their kisses are much slower. They are no longer in a rush. He kisses her as though they have all the time in the world, and while that may be different there is one thing that remains the same.

She still gets butterflies.

Her head is becoming fuzzy as he slowly slips his tongue into her mouth. Her hands fist and clutch the material of his shirt, pulling him toward her. She is acutely aware of his hand as it travels from her cheek to cradle her head and his arm wrapping around her waist.

As his hand slips underneath her shirt to caress the bare skin of her lower back and his mouth leaves hers to travel down her neck, she drops her head back and closes her eyes. Suddenly, she feels like she’s on fire. In a much different way from the refrigerator earlier. She feels like she’s forty miles from the sun.

Veronica thinks she heard herself moan, but she can’t be sure.

Before she knows what is happening, she is pushing his jacket off of his shoulders and onto the floor. Her hands eagerly find the hem of his T-shirt and begin to drag it upward and over his head, breaking his contact with her skin. She tosses it to the side and his lips are on her again. He is no longer cradling her head in his hand. She feels it drifting south. With a firm grip on her bottom, he’s dragging her closer to his naked chest. She is aware of their shuffling feet and aware of the fabric of the couch against her bare legs.

Her world is spinning on its axis as she falls back onto the couch. She finds herself ripping off her own shirt. He stares at her breasts and rather than feeling inadequate she feels beautiful. Safe. Protected. Treasured as the pad of his thumb swipes over a hardened nipple and a wet tongue flicks the other.

She gasps in surprise as he slips his fingers under her shorts and moves her panties out of the way. Her back arches as he slips two digits into her. Her mind is racing as thinks that she’s going to send his father to prison. She may possibly be responsible for his death if the jury makes it so. They shouldn’t be doing this.

But they are.

When she starts asking for more, he removes his fingers. She whimpers at the loss, but knows that feeling of fullness is nothing compared to what it could be. She feels frenzied and wild as he hooks his fingers in the waist band of her shorts and slowly drags them down her legs, taking her panties with them.

He slides down her body as he drags her clothes down her smooth legs once they clear her feet, he tosses them to the side. The land somewhere in Veronica’s peripheral vision, though she isn’t too concerned with where. As Logan sits by her feet, he slides his hands up her legs to rest at her knees. Her body tenses as he spreads her legs apart. His intentions are clear and it makes her nervous. Nobody has ever done what he’s about to do.

“Relax.” He says softly as he leans forward. His voice is reassuring and the cool air of his breath on her moist flesh makes her tingle.

Gently, he touches his tongue to her and coaxes her nub out of hiding. Veronica feels as though she is losing her grip and her world spins as he stokes the fire inside her belly as sucks on her. Her hands find their way into his hair as her mouth parts in a silent moan. He invokes feelings from her that no one else ever has. Her toes curl.

He laps at her center until she is panting heavily and writhing on the couch. Grinding herself into him. Wrapping her legs around him. Veronica can’t help but think that he is very good at what he does.

“Logan!” She shudders as she shouts his name.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he slides back up her body and shifts his weight to the side. He waits for her to regain her composure, enjoying the way she quivers. He waits for the wild look in her eyes to subside, until she is coherent again and kisses her when he feels she’s Veronica again.

In her peripheral vision, Veronica notices a blue square object in his hand. She breaks the kiss to inspect it. It’s a condom, she discovers. Trojan brand. She seeks out Logan’s eyes as she reaches for it. She already knew when he touched her cheek shortly after he walked through her door that this was going to happen, though she had been so swept up in the feelings and emotion of it that she completely forgot about any sort of protection. She’s glad he remembered.

Sliding out from underneath him, she pushes herself off the couch. For a moment, he looks dejected until she extends her hand to him. “Our first time isn’t going to be on the couch.” She tells him softly.

Logan seems embarrassed, as he smiles and takes her hand allowing her to lead him into her bedroom. He’d been inside her bedroom a hundred times when they had been friends before Lilly died. He’d raided her underwear drawer and she’d screamed at him to get out. Not to touch her underwear. Now, as she steps naked through the threshold and inside her sanctuary, she realizes that he just had his hands all over them.

Once they’re inside, she shuts the door behind them and for a moment she feels awkward. She isn’t sure what to do. There is only one other time in which she has done this before and she can’t even remember it. Essentially, this is her first time.

He seems to sense this and starts to kiss her again. His kisses are heady and intoxicating and soon, Veronica’s breathing is labored. She feels an ache and an intense need to relieve it. She fumbles with his belt, but it is resisting her and in more ways then one, she is frustrated.

“Slow down.” Logan tells her through their kiss. Gingerly, his hands cover hers and pull them from his jeans. He guides her to the bed and lays her down, before his hands move to the stubborn button that gave her so much trouble.

“It’s not that easy.” She tells him gruffly. He laughs.

She watches him, a small smile playing on her face as he drops his pants and removes his boxers. This isn’t her first time seeing him naked. She had peaked while he shed his clothes one night long ago and went skinny dipping in the ocean with Lilly. Veronica had stayed on the beach with Duncan, a slight blush on her cheeks. She had blamed it on the alcohol.

When he climbs under the covers with her, he lies on his side and stares at her for a few moments. This doesn’t seem like the time to have a heart to heart about things, but Veronica feels as though it’s coming.

His fingers stroke some wayward hairs as he looks at her and when he opens his mouth, Veronica is sure she knows what he is going to say.

“Did my dad really try to kill you?” He asks. She is fairly certain that he knows it to be true, though she thinks Logan needs to hear it from her for himself.

She does not avert her eyes when she tells him, “Yes.”

It seems to be all he needs to hear. As he wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer she wonders if this is his way of making it better. His attempt to fix whatever damage his father has caused. Whatever trauma his father has inflicted.

She stops thinking about it when his lips brush against hers. It is closed-mouth and gentle. He almost seems hesitant. Veronica takes charge of the situation by slipping her tongue into his mouth. His father may have tried to kill her earlier, but she is not by any means dead. She intends to show him that she is very much alive and well.

With her intention in mind, she slips her hand beneath the covers and down the smooth planes of his chest. Logan sucks in deep breath as her hand surrounds him. As she begins to stroke him, he cannot suppress his moan.

Things seem to be moving in slow motion for Veronica, as he reaches down and removes her hand. He replaces it with the condom and positions himself above her. The look in his eyes seems to be asking, are you sure? Veronica knows he’ll stop if she asks him to. Though, she doesn’t think she’s going to be asking for that.

Her lips part and her eyes drift shut as Logan slides into her. It is slightly uncomfortable. Her body isn’t used to something his size.

“Are you okay?” Logan has stopped inching his way in. He hovers with little more than the tip of himself inside her.

To answer his question, she moves her hands down his back and grips his butt. With her eyes opened, she stares up into his as she brings him down on her. She doesn’t think she could answer him vocally right now. Not with so many feelings floating around inside her.

Slowly, Logan begins to move inside her and within moments, her pain has turned to pleasure. She smiles as the first real pleasurable feeling hits her. She wants more. “Logan,” she whispers.

His pace quickens at the sound of his name from her lips. His thrusts are just a little faster, a little harder, a little deeper. Veronica feels closer to the edge than she has ever felt before and it scares her a little. Aside from her experience on the couch, she has never let herself go so freely before. Not that she can remember anyway. The thought of turning herself over to these feelings and to Logan, is more than a little intimidating.

She soon realizes, as Logan’s hand slips between them and massages her nub, that he is intent on pushing her over the edge no matter what. She realizes that she has two choices. She can either fight it or go over the edge on her own. She can spread her arms and just . . . jump.

“Come on, baby.” He whispers in her ear. “Come for me.”

That seems to be the deciding factor for her. She screams his name as she jumps over the edge.

In a trashy romance novel, of which Veronica is guilty of reading, this would be the point where her walls would be pulsating around him and the feeling of it would be so incredible it would entice him to follow her.

It doesn’t.

Logan Echolls seems intent on making her climb back up only to push her over again. And again. And again. Who is she to complain?

She isn’t quite sure how many times she’s come tonight, but finally, Logan is ready to come with her. With one final thrust, as her hoarse voice is whispering a delirious, pleasure-filled praise to Jesus, Logan shudders.

“Veronica!” Tumbles forth from his lips, before he collapses on top of her.

Her legs still wrapped around his lithe waist, Veronica sighs contentedly as he kisses her forehead laden with sweat. She falls asleep while he is still inside her, a smile on her face. Her dreams are filled, for quite possibly the first time since Lilly died, with pictures of her future. Happiness.

When she wakes up the next morning, Logan is gone.


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