FIC: It's a matter of trust (Veronica/Logan) PG13

Nov 09, 2013 22:49

Title: It's a Matter of trust
Author: kasiopeia
Pairing/Character: Veronica/Logan, Wallace, Veronica centric
Word Count: 1042
Rating: PG13
Summary: Once there was a girl named Veronica, and she lost her best friend in a flash of blood, chlorine and grief. AU based on this prompt: Logan/Veronica, they were together from the start.
Spoilers: Nothing past season 1, nothing explicit past the pilot really, AU
Warnings: non-explicit mention of rape, mild swearing
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars. No copyright infringement is intended.

Ao3 link

veronica, logan

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