A Barely Breathing Story/VeronicaLogan/PG-13

Aug 31, 2012 13:32

Title: A Barely Breathing Story
by Jesterlady
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 61,581
Pairing: Veronica/Logan, Spike/Buffy
Summary: Last year Veronica Mars switched bodies with a vampire Slayer. This year that same vampire Slayer is back from the dead and could use some help getting adjusted to living again.
Disclaimer: I don't own VM or BTVS. A lot of lines are from the show. The title is from a song by Christina Perri.
A/N: Written for het_bigbang 2012. This the is the 3rd part in my Half a Stranger verse. You should be able to read this by itself. Just know that Veronica and Buffy switched bodies before and Buffy and Spike were in a relationship before she jumped off the tower. I assume you know BTVS S6 pretty well.

LJ or Ao3

jesterlady, pg-13

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