Fic: Five Kisses (Logan/Veronica) PG-13

Apr 29, 2011 03:23

Title: Five Kisses
Author: fluffernutter8 
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Logan/Veronica
Rating: Approximately PG-13, for language and some action.
Summary: Five Logan/Veronica kisses that we never saw.
A/N: Timeline possibly twisted, but I'm not sure because I'm too lazy to look it up, which is why the timeline is possibly twisted. STILL UNBETAED, but I've just given up. Although, if you want to give it a look-over, feel free to mention it in comments. I posted this a while ago on my personal journal and on, and I've been a lurker around here for a time, but I was encouraged to start posting fic here by boobsnotbombs . So I hope she has not led me astray. (Ugh, longest author's note ever.)

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