Twisted, Tattered, Teeth 6/? (Ensemble, Logan/Veronica; NC-17)

Apr 21, 2011 04:13

Title: Twisted, Tattered, Teeth
Characters/Pairings: Veronica et al, eventual Logan/Veronica
Author: boobsnotbombs
Word Count: 5,000 words (for Chapter Six)- 27,300 so far.
Rating: NC17 for intense violence, adult themes, swearing, sex
Summary: This is a story about not being alright - with a supernatural bent. Future fic. Canon up to series finale.
Spoilers:The entire series but nothing specific.
Warnings: contains swearing, intense moments, graphic depictions of violence, and is possibly triggering=

Beta’d by vanessagalore , who calls me out whenever my weird British affectations make it into my fic.

Previous Chapters: (Part IV) (Part V)

(Part VI)
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