Title: Veronica Mars Continues
Author: now_you_listen
Pairing/Character: Veronica/Piz, Veronica/Logan, Mac/Max
Word Count: this chapter 1078
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: A couple days till the start of term, Veronica is back from internship and reacquaints with Piz, Mac, and Wallace.
Spoilers: The whole series, continues on from s3.
Warnings: Mild adult content
Chapter 3
"Where's my bra?" Mac exclaimed as she frantically looked around Max's apartment, knowing that she was about to get in trouble for breaking curfew.
"Could this be it?" said Max swinging her bra above his head as he lay on the bed in nothing but his Yoda boxers. "Or is this the bra of another? So many women come to my bed. Hard to remember who came in what."
Mac grabbed the bra and smelt it, "Mine," she said and fixed it on. "When do you have time to bring other chicks over, huh? I'm always here." she said jokingly.
"Your not here in the late hours of the night, that's when they come," he teased.
"Really now," said Mac, "in that case maybe I should stay," and she climbed on top of him and kissed him hard, her legs wrapping tightly around his waist.
"Come on now little girl," he said grabbing her wrists and pulling her off the bed, "you have a curfew and your mommy and daddy will be worried."
Mac made a face and gathered the rest of her stuff. "They treat me like a 4 year old," she whined, pouting.
"But a cute 4 year old," he replied.
She rolled her eyes, kissed him goodnight, and left for home.
He was sitting across from his best friend with his poker face on.
"That's a bill to you," Duncan nodded placing his bet.
His best friend smiled angelically back at him and placed the money in the pot.
"What do you got?" he said.
"Two pair" said Duncan.
"Flush" said the other "you should have seen that coming," he chuckled, "your poor gambling skills make me feel guilty about taking your money, well, almost."
'Well not all of us are professionals, Logan" Duncan retaliated
He was stacking his pile as a cry from the other room made them both glance in that direction.
"I'll get her," the winner whispered.
"No its okay, I lost the hand after all," said Duncan
"Hope you don't think that means your getting your money back."
He laughed and turned toward the other room. Lily was in her crib whimpering lightly and rubbing her eyes. He picked her up and noticed a heavy diaper. "No wonder you're angry, little girl." He fixed on a fresh diaper and rocked her back to sleep.
Left alone in the other room Logan kept busy by shuffling the cards too many times and starring blankly out the window. His mind began to travel as it often did when his attention was unfulfilled to the front entrance of Hoag Hospital. He got up and poured himself another drink of scotch and sat back down at the poker table. Duncan returned after settling his daughter back to sleep.
"So have you changed your mind yet?" he asked.
"No," replied Logan in an irritated tone.
"Well you can't stay here forever hiding away like me. It's not a fun life, I promise"
"Who says I can't?" he replied and finished contents of his cup. He stood up to refill it but Duncan held him back.
"I think its time for bed," he said trying to redirect Logan.
"I'm not a child," Logan snapped shrugging against Duncan's hold on him.
"Can we do this the easy way tonight," Duncan asked with a sigh. He placed his hand on Logan's shoulder, "This has to stop," he began, "You're going back to Neptune and your going back to school."
Logan looked at Duncan as though he was about to hit him but instead clung to him for support as the tears started to drip frantically from his face. Duncan held him for a minute before leading him into the spare bedroom.
Settling Logan to bed was something he's gotten used to over the summer. Logan had caught up with Duncan in Argentina and followed him to Australia. He enjoyed having his friend for company but knew it was better for Logan if he returned to his own life. He knew that Logan's company was only due to avoidance of his own grief. He was running away from his problems and had to face them eventually. Duncan went into Lily's room and after checking that she was still safe and asleep he went to the dresser and pulled out a picture of his sister Lily, Veronica, Logan and himself. Life was happier back when Lily was alive. It was easy being a teenager, practically carefree. When she died all that changed. He missed his only sibling and he missed those easy times. But if life was simple, he wouldn't have Lily Junior and his life wouldn't ever have been complete. As he moved slowly from each of their young faces to the next, he noticed how happy Logan looked compared to the mess that was in the other room and how Veronica's smile couldn't have been brighter than it had in that moment. He missed her terribly too. It had been over a year and a half since they had planned his escape together, kidnapping Lily from her grandparents. He wished he could see her again but it would only be harmful. They still loved each other, but could never be together. He had forfeited that right when he ran away, choosing Lily other her. He knew that deep inside she blamed him for it. Placing the photo back in the drawer, he too went to sleep.
Logan woke in the morning to an empty house. Duncan had been thorough in dumping all the alcohol into the sink, leaving the miserable looking empty bottles on the counter. Taped to his door was a plane ticket back to the states and the picture Duncan had had last night. As he examined it and flipped it over he saw Duncan's handwriting, "three favorite people," was written in black sharpie across the top and written in a different pen were the words, "Keep her safe for Lily and me." Logan looked at the picture for a long time but knew from the moment he saw it that he would be getting on the plane back to Neptune.