fic Conceivable (Mac/Dick and Veronica/Lamb) pg13 None.Of.Your.Business.

Jul 14, 2008 21:59

Title Conceivable
Chapter 2
Author Devylish
Pairing Um, MaDi and DoVe
Rating PG13 at this point… lil language and suggestiveness
Warnings None
Words 1795
Spoilers None
Disclaimer Seriously… honestly… I own fricking nothing. Nothing!
AN and she’s back to being unbeta’d, lol

Previous Chapter

MaDi DoVe MaDi DoVe MaDi DoVe MaDi DoVe MaDi DoVe

“Mackie!” Dick leaned against the balcony door of Logan’s New York apartment. He curled the phone into his shoulder as he popped the top of his soda.  “Dude, how are you? And more importantly, what’re you wearing?”

“Hey, Dickie,” Mac teased back over the phone. “Nothing. I’m wearing nothing at all, I’m standing stark naked in the living room.”


She laughed at his willing gullibility. “Nope, sorry. Fully clothed, sitting on your couch, playing the X-men II game. I,” her voice lowered to a whisper. “I am wearing your 49ers jersey though.” For some reason that she still didn’t fully understand, Dick got a kick out of her wearing his shirts. It was like flipping a sex switch on for him.

Of course, if she was honest, everything was like a sex switch with Dick.

“Are you really?” His voice also softened, dropping by a couple of decibels.

She teased, “Playing X-Men II? Yup. I’m Storm. I love her wicked white hair.”

“I don’t care about the fucking game,” Dick grumbled, “are you… are you really wearing my jersey?”

Putting the game on pause Mac smiled and settled into the couch more comfortably. “Mmmm, hmmmm.”

Dick groaned over the phone. “Fuck, I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

Dick couldn’t stop the stupid grin that broke over his face. The past four months had been fabulous.

About a half a year ago, he’d finally admitted to himself that the woman who had somehow become his best female - well, his only female - friend, was more than a ‘buddy’ to him. After he’d made that realization, it had taken Dick a solid 2 months of being an undeniable, unavoidable, pain-in-the ass (a fact that Mac had attested to numerous times) before he was finally able to convince her  that he was serious.

But he had eventually convinced her to give in. And when she did give in, Dick was a goner; he didn’t stand a chance.

Of course, now, he was stuck with the problem of not knowing where Mac actually stood on the subject of their relationship. Oh, she called him Dickie, and Sweetie, and other terms of endearment… but did she mean what she said? It was because of her request  that no one knew about their relationship. If he’d had her okay, he’d have thrown open the windows at The Grand, and yelled ‘Mackie’s mine!’ at the top of his lungs. But he didn’t have her okay. A fact that made him wonder if he actually had her at all.

“So my Blond Adonis,” Mac continued, a vision of Dick’s smiling face in her head, “what sort of trouble are you and our thespian friend, Logan getting in to?”

“Wouldn’t Logan have to be a girl to be a thespian?” And it then it was Dick’s turn to imagine a smile on his girlfriend’s face.

“Thespian you moron, not a lesbian.”

“It would be kind of cool to have my two best friends macking on one another, erh, if Logan was a girl too.”

“What IS it with guys and girl-on-girl action? You don’t feel guy-on-guy action is hot…. And IF two girls are into one another, you guys realize you stand the proverbial ice cube’s chance in hell of actually getting invited to join in on the sexiness, don’t you?”

“It’s still a chance babe, it’s still a chance.”

“The eternal optimists huh?”

“If we guys weren’t persistent in our dreaming, I wouldn’t have caught you.”

Mac felt a flutter in her belly. A flutter that had everything to do with Dick being so damn sweet. But the flutter was quickly followed by doubt. Boys, Casablancas boys in particular, had not turned out to be a race she could trust. And it was her trust, or lack thereof, that was holding her back from totally placing her confidence in to Dick. Physically, of course, she had given in, she’d been there, done that. And, uhh, WOW! So, good! But emotionally, she wasn’t there. She wouldn’t let herself go there. Why? Because she knew, somewhere in the back of her head, that as soon as she totally surrendered to Dick she’d be destroyed. As much as she had cared about Max, Bronson, and Cassidy… Dick - Dick betraying her would devastate her.

So she kept him at arms length.

Ignoring the belly flutter, she steered the conversation back into safe waters. “So, what are you and Logan doing today?”

Dick saw the question for what it was, an attempt to avoid his affection, but he didn’t push it. “Strip club, bar, strip club, bar, and oh yeah, the drug den.”

“Ahhh, nothing special then for the two of you, huh?”

He chuckled, “How about you? Any big plans today?”

‘Tell him you’re going to buy more pregnancy tests, just to be certain, and that you’ve left a message for your doctor to have an official test done. Tell him!’

“Umm, nope. Nothing too special. Veronica and I will be doing a little shopping. As a matter of fact I need to go soon, I - I just wanted to call and say ‘hi’.”

“Hi.” His tone, was in that lower range again, a timbre that made her knees weak. Fortunately, she was already sitting down so….

“What’s your return date again?”

“30th.” He smiled again. “Why, do you miss me?”

“More than you know.” Her voice was soft and open.

Dick’s breath caught. “Mackie, baby, are you okay?”

‘Tell HIM!’ “Umm, yeah, I’m fine. I - I, I have to go. Have fun at the drug dens, and, umm, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Mac disconnected the phone before Dick could call her on her lie. Dropping her head against the arm of the couch, she blew out a puff of air. ‘Well this just sucks’, she breathed quietly.


Veronica stared at the dessert menu as she waited for Mac to come back from the ladies room. They were treating themselves to dessert and coffee after three hours of intensive therapeutic shopping. Shopping for clothes, that led to shopping for gifts for Dick, that led to the purchase of baby MaDi’s first gift. Veronica smiled and glanced at the bag that contained the purple stuffed elephant with a head of rainbow coloured hair.

When she had seen the elephant with the multicolored hair, it had screamed ‘Mac’ to her and she had to buy it. Mac had giggled, and then she’d burst into tears, and then she’d declared a profound desire for chocolate.

Who was Veronica to prevent another woman from gaining access to chocolate?

Tucking their purchases a little more securely onto the chair next to her she looked up as a shadow fell across the table.

A Lamb shaped shadow.

“Why am I not surprised to see you at the mall in the middle of the day?” Veronica asked. “Is this normally where you disappear to when the citizens of Neptune expect you to be working? I would have guessed ‘strip club’, but, I suppose, you can only do that so many days in a row before the ta-tas start to all look alike.”

“Every breast is special and unique,” Lamb glanced at Veronica’s chest before sitting down across from her. “So -“

“Here you go Love, double caramel soy latte and a decaf Mocha Melt.” The waitress smiled and placed the drinks Veronica and Mac had ordered earlier on the table. Turning to Lamb, her smile brightened, “How about you handsome? Would you like anything?”

Lamb flashed his best ‘make-a-woman’s-panties-fly-off” smile and shook his head. “No thanks. Maybe next time.”

“All right then, call me over if you change your mind,” she turned back Veronica, “or if you and your friend decide on a dessert.”

Lamb watched the sway of the waitress’ hips as she walked away. She was a from-the-bottle red head, a little flashy for his tastes, but she was pretty. He dragged his eyes back to Veronica and found her looking at him and shaking her head.

“Are all women just pieces of meat to you?”

He settled back in his chair and let his eyes drift from her face down to her chest and then down across her slender arms and fingers. He watched her slowly stir her coffee. She was undeniably beautiful, from her blonde hair to her big blue eyes, to the smile that - when not accompanied by a snarky comment-was a complete turn-on. More often than he cared to remember, he’d found himself trapped behind his desk for a few minutes after she left his office, doing his best to force his body to stop reacting her presence.

Being attracted to one’s nemesis was a pain in the ass. Of course - he glanced at the bag sitting next to her and read the blue and pink “Little Bundles” label - now that she was apparently pregnant, he would hopefully, finally, be able to fight that attraction.

“I’m a man, and I’m not blind. All good looking women will get a ‘good look’ from me.” He grinned and added, “except for pregnant women. I’ve never really had an interest in them.” Lamb nodded his head in the direction of the bag sitting to the right of Veronica. “So I guess the tests were positive?”

‘Crap! Why did that bag have to be on top?’ She couldn’t say the gift was for a friend, he might not be smart, but he was smart enough to put two and two together, and he’d figure out that Mac was the  friend. ‘Crap, crap, crap, crap.’

She took a deep breath and plastered on a smile. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, the tests were positive.”

Lamb shook his head. “I knew you weren’t frigid Mars, but I didn’t think you were dumb enough to get yourself knocked up.”

“Dumb enough?! It wasn’t planned! Just like I’m sure you weren’t planned Sheriff. It just ‘happened’.”

“Did the daddy forget to ‘wrap his present’ before you all used it?”

“Could you be more crass?”

“I could be, but I’m holding back and being polite. Who’s the dad, Mars?”

“And she repeats slowly enough for him to comprehend ‘’”

For a few seconds Lamb silently studied her; out of the corner of his eye he saw M heading toward the table. “I’m making it my business.” As he stood up he took hold of the cup of coffee she was lifting to her lips, “I’ll take that for you, caffeine’s not good for the baby.”

Nodding at Mac as he walked past her, he headed out of the café.

“What did Lamb want?” Mac asked as she settled into her seat.

Veronica groaned, “Mackenzie, you’re going to owe m BIG by the time the next three weeks are up.”


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