Title: The Truth about Mars, Entry #1 & 2
Author: Rae
Pairing/Character: Veronica POV/Ensemble
Word Count: 2,351
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Spoilers for all of Season 1
Summary: A gift from Wallace leads to Veronica sharing her thoughts over the summer with us. Entry 1: Who am I and where have I put the real Veronica Mars? & Entry 2: Waxing Poetic about Logan
Author’s Notes: Flashbacks are in italics. My ideas don't even compare to the ones that come out of RT's imagination but, as I’ll just be making up stories all summer long to fill in the void until September, I figured I might as well write some of them down. Much love goes out to my beta
karinalee. Thanks for catching my screw-ups, m'dear!
Disclaimer: All characters, ice cream, and doors contained within this story belong to Rob Thomas and UPN.
fake cut to The Truth about Mars, Entry #1 & #2)