Title: “All the PI’s Men”
em2mbPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Mac, Keith, Weevil, Wallace, Piz, Sacks.
Word Count: 10,135
Rating: NC-17, some of the good kind, some of the not-so-good kind.
Summary: “He just didn’t seem like the type,” Mac said flatly. Finally, she allowed her boyfriend to wrap his arms around her. “Right?”
Spoilers: Through 3x20, “The Bitch is Back”
Warnings: Violence, language, sex, character death. Even Cliff McCormick probably wouldn’t defend this one in a court of law. Not that I blame him. As those of you who read the first part already know, this one is dark.
Author's Notes: If they were mine, then the third season would have ended differently, and I wouldn’t have felt compelled to write this. No, Rob owns Veronica-I just borrow her and return her in less-than-stellar condition. Special thanks to the usual suspects,
jayiin and
earth2mars, as well as everyone that’s stuck around to read more.
Chapter One Logan smirked, trying not to feel hurt. "Should I wait by the phone?"