Jun 28, 2007 23:23
Mac sighed and then sat down beside him. She felt her anger subsiding and tiredness taking over. She reached over grabbed his beer and took a quick drink, maybe a little Dutch courage would make this conversation go better. Nope the beer didn't make her magically verbal and she still hated the taste. She passed the bottle back and leaned her elbows on the bar. "I didn't have the right to say that. I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you."
Weevil took another long drink of beer before offering the bottle to her. "I notice you didn't say you were wrong."
Mac took a pull, relieved that he was feeling friendly enough to offer. The beer was still nasty, "I wasn't. I know what it's like to not want to try. You do remember how well my first relationship went right? I was abandoned, naked, by a guy who murdered a bus load of people and tried to kill my best friend. It's not like jumping back into the dating pool was easy after that." She handed back the beer.
"Maybe you're braver then I am, or maybe you're dumber, it's not like things are working out all that well for you." He gave her a guilty look, "Shit, I didn't mean..."
"Yeah, Max dumped me." she stared at the shelves of liquor bottles behind the bar, "It happens. But at least I had something good for as long as it lasted. Look, I get that life doesn't have fairy tale happy endings. But that just means I have to grab happiness where I can find it." She stared at the ground. Shit, she was trying to give him hope, but everything she said was sounds like it was written for a fortune cookie.
He tilted the bottle up and finished it off. "I thought after girls got dumped they are supposed to cry and listen to crappy music or crank call the jerk and vandalize his car.'
"I think the car vandalism is only if he cheats on you." she said semi-seriously.
Weevil set the empty bottle down, "Good to know."
"Oddly enough beating Dick at video games and eating enough junk food feed a small town actually made me feel a little better." Mac smiled briefly; she had never ever expected to say that.
Weevil was quiet for a moment, "Your boyfriend is probably kicking himself for letting you go right now. I'm betting he'll be throwing himself at your feet in a couple of days." He continued, "Veronica never gives up. She'll get the pictures back and you'll be able to go back to your regular life."
She started shredding a bar napkin into tiny pieces, "I really hope so."
"Does Veronica have more for us to do?" he asked.
"I don't know. I called her to let her know I found the license number but she couldn't stay on the line."
"We could go find her." Weevil looked at her seriously.
"Sure let's go." Anything beat sitting around mooning over lost relationships.
He stood up clumsily and gave her a crooked smile, "We'll need to watch each other's backs around all these treacherous rich people."
She smiled back. "I won't let any of the scary stockbroker types ambush you." Then heading for the doorway, 'Once more unto the breach..."
"Hey, none of that fancy shit. I'll start thinking you turned into one of them."
"Uh huh, 'cause the botox crowd is known for their knowledge of great literature."
"That's not from a movie?" he asked with smiling eyes.
She snorted, "Dumb-ass."
He gave her a slight smile, "Smart-ass."
wuoreb - mac's long weekend,