Title: For the Sins of Others
Author: StarCrossdSparrow
Pairing/Characters: Logan/Veronica, ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 1/4?
Word Count: 4,624
Disclaimer: RT is the master of all things Veronica Mars. I'll put everyone back when I'm done, so please don't sue.
Spoilers: 1.22 “Leave it to Beaver”
Summary: AU from the events of 1.05 "You Think You Know Somebody." Veronica asks Logan for the details of the Tijuana trip and snark ensues.
Author's Note: If you hate when authors butcher canon for their own personal gain, don't read this, 'cause I've been cleaning my knife for weeks. BIG thanks to
erin2326 for putting up with me and for her marvelous beta skills.
Forgive us our trespasses