Reasons Why (Logan, Logan/Veronica) PG-13

Nov 07, 2006 20:31

Title: Reasons Why
Characters: Logan, Logan/Veronica
Spoilers: To 'Welcome Wagon' 3x01
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 816
Summary: Logan POV. The reason why Logan never moved out of the Neptune Grand.
Author's Note: This was my shortest fiction I've ever written in my entire life and I had a pleasure writing it. Thank the amazing beta
rindee, for a wonderful beta!

Reasons Why

The Neptune Grand. The place where everything had collapsed around him. Just over his head, Beaver had jumped from the rooftop. Every night after he falls asleep, he can hear Veronica's screams, the gunshots, the crying, the yelling, the jump. As he slept, he could feel, just above him, the thump of the falling body, the body of the boy who had given up hope. The smell of Veronica's perfume and shampoo mixed with the smell of salty tears surrounded him, drowning him in her scene. Logan could feel her wet stains across his shirt. He tasted the bitterness of life that still lingered in his mouth, and feel the razor sharp blade of the world tearing across his throat. But the senses overwhelmed him the most when he was alone in this room. Logan could smell the death, the disparity. But still he stayed at the Grand, because he was never one to give up. He always wanted to fight, always wanted to keep fighting.

One room away from his, he could feel the two gunshots being fired and see in his mind his father's terrified face; it made him laugh and cry at the same time. It brought back memories he wished he could forget, memories he wished he could change. He felt the joy of his father's demise, along with the guilt that he didn't care and the anger that he could not have done it himself. He wished he had happy memories of Aaron, but all he could feel was stone cold indifference.

In this same room, he had forgotten the words that had made Veronica change her mind about him. He could taste the richness of champagne and the dizziness it caused. He could remember the emptiness he felt the next morning when he woke up to the bitter smell of loveless sex. He could remember the confusion when he heard a tap on the door and remembered the creak of its opening. He could feel Veronica, just inches away, so close, but so far away. Logan could hear her uptake of breath and quick, but gentle words, saying things he'd been dreaming about for months, and see the tears streaming from her eyes as she walked away, hurt and wishing she hadn't trusted him. Logan could feel the emptiness of epic love.

No, this hotel held terrible memories. But Logan was strong, he was rebuilding. He had Veronica. His room was the first place they’d ever had sex, the first place he'd lived that wasn't tinged with father's shadow, the place he'd thrown a prom for himself and his classmates. He felt attached to this place somehow; it was filled with bad and good memories, but Logan lingered anyway. He had nowhere else to go, he wasn't used to change.

It wasn't like he was dying in this place, and he could live like this. A boy had done it before, a boy who had loved Veronica almost as much as Logan did. That boy had opened his arms to Logan, and Logan had already started to follow that path when he opened his arms to Dick. Logan couldn't back down. He wouldn't.

This would be where he fell, and where he got up again and ran and continued to run. A place of pain, shelter, anger, and safety, yet it was still oddly comforting. It was his home now. His own emotional haven, a place that had suffered as much as he had, like Veronica.

Not that he wanted to stay. If he could, he would move out and get a nice, beach home. It's not like he lacked the money. He just felt connected to the luxurious room. All glamour and greatness and wealth on the outside, and on the inside, pain.

Flashes of memory flew through him. "I thought we were epic, me and you" and her response the next morning after seeing him with Kendall. "Stop." The gun - Cassidy pointed it at Veronica and in a few brief moments, shot at him; a few minutes later, it was back at his chest, pointed by Veronica. Even if the target wasn’t him, it was scary to see Veronica so hopeless and pathetic. It hurt him to think he could have stopped Beaver from jumping. It was all part of the pain and the glory of the hotel. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe he should just move out.

As he lay in bed thinking, he heard a sharp rap on the door, and when he didn't respond, the swipe of a card.

The door opened and there stood a beaming Veronica. His beautiful Veronica.

Yeah, he could and would rebuild.

logan_love, pg-13, veronica, logan

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