Fic: Blue Hair (Dick/Mac) PG-13

Oct 10, 2006 18:42

Title: Blue Hair
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Mac/Dick
Characters: Mac, Dick. Veronica. Logan and Wallace mentions.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,074
Disclaimer: Rob Thomas is my God. And he owns it all.
Notes: My first Dick/Mac fic. My classes were boring, so I just decided to write and let my imagination take over. This is one of the things that came out (most of the rest was trashed). I'm not sure this even has a plot. You decide. It's set in the fall of their first semester in college, but there's no real reference to what we've seen of season 3 so far (aka the premiere).
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Underage drinking.
Summary: His fingers twist the platinum strand of hair. "Your hair." He gives it a slight tug that makes her grimace. "Should be blue."

( They're drunk when they kiss for the first time. )

mac, dick, chounette, pg-13

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